Prepared Distribution Release Tex Live 2022 created by In 1996, on the basis of the TETEX project. Tex Live is the easiest way to deploy infrastructure to prepare scientific documentation, regardless of the operating system used. To download formed Assembly (4 GB) Tex Live 2021, which contains a working Live environment, a complete set of installation Files for various operating systems, a copy of the CTAN repository (Comprehensive Tex Archive Network), a selection of documentation in different languages (including Russian).
From innovations can be noted:
- A new HITEX engine is proposed that forms the output in the HINT format specially designed to read technical documentation on mobile devices. HINT format viewers are available for GNU / Linux, Windows and Android.
- Added new primitives: ” showstream” (to redirect the output of the command ” show” to the file), ” partokenname”, ” partokencontext”, ” vadjust”, ” LastNodeFont”, ” SuppressLongerror”, ” SuppressouterRor “and” SuppressMathParerror “.
- in Luatex Improved TrueType font support and added the ability to use variable fonts in LuAHBTEX.
- pdftex and luatex Added support for structured links, specific specification PDF 2.0 .
- PTEX component is updated to version 4.0.0 with a more complete support for current markup LATEX.
/Media reports.