At Just Eat Takeaway, a leading social plan for

The delivery company considers the removal of 269 delivery positions and thirty jobs in support functions.


This is the cold shower for the salaried deliverymen of the French subsidiary of Just Eat Takeaway. In January 2021, the company announced in fanfare hiring 4,500 salaried deliverymen, tailing a “more responsible delivery model” when its competitors resort to self-contractors. Fifteen months later, while the workforce is only 800 employees, Just Eat, Thursday, April 21, clarified his proposed employment safeguard plan (PES) during the first meeting of the Social Committee and economic (CSE) of this procedure.

The removal of 269 delivery positions and thirty jobs in support functions is envisaged. Contacted, management justifies this PSE by “the ultra-competitive context [of its market] and the search for a financial balance, in order to guarantee responsible and sustainable growth”. In seven cities (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, etc.), employees will continue to work. In the twenty others, “alternative solutions” will be put in place, not specified by the direction, but that the unions imagine perfectly, since they already coexist: the own couriers of restaurants and those of Stuart, the subsidiary of the post office, who uses autoentrepreneurs. The unions, who had already denounced “poor working conditions and low-delivery wages, which lead to a strong turnover, did not loosen.

” poor quality of service “at all levels

Just Eat, who launched, in France, at the end of 2020, would have lost “350 million euros in 2021”, according to Jérémy Graça, trade union delegate FO, first organization before the CGT. “MI-2021, [The company has completed a series of individual layoffs.” For Mr. Graça, “Just Eat lost many customers because of poor quality of service” at all levels: non-performing algorithm , delays in deliveries for lack of couriers, etc.

Moreover, for Mr. Graça, Just Eat did not take into account the seasonal character of the delivery and reopening of the restaurants in June 2021. And wanted to “go too fast opening in two or three months in Twenty-seven cities “. “It’s a strategic error,” he concludes.

Ludovic Rioux, CGT trade union delegate, believes that it “is easy to display losses when there have been huge investments.” “This does not mean that we are at the edge of the chasm. The group made a turnover of 5.3 billion euros in 2021, up 33%! We are losing in France, but We do not want to tell us how much the French subsidiary has perceived the group, how much it has traced back to the group, what is the remuneration of shareholders … it is to make fun of the employees. “

For him, the layoffs are not “an obligation to save the group. It is a choice of management, which considers that employees are a commodity like any other. We will do everything to defend jobs”. By “passing into action if necessary,” warns an open letter of 21 April signed by the elected CGTs and employees of eighteen cities.

/Media reports.