In this profession, which brings together more than 860,000 people, the idea of barring at the national gathering in the second round is more self-evident among the electors on the left.
“He decided to do without us!” Elodie, French teacher in the Créteil Academy, is convinced: Emmanuel Macron does not seek to conquer the vote of the 869,000 teachers of national education. She judges the president “arrogant” and “contemptuous” vis-à-vis his profession. “He does not stop imposing that we are lazy, while during the first confinement, I worked from 6 am to 11 pm every day,” she gets echoed at A sentence of the candidate during the presentation of his program, on March 17 – “You have teachers who, during the Covid, were there, took care of your children, and then there are teachers, that existed also , who disappeared, “he had assane.
The quadmenlay, which testifies anonymously, like all teachers – submitted to the duty of reserve – cited in the article, made its decision: it will abstain in the second round of the presidential election, the 24 april. “I am an agent of the state, I must act in a civic way. I do not abstain from cheerfulness of heart but I want to show that I do not want the duel we are offered and politics Ultraliberal that will be conducted then, “she says. There was no question for her to watch the debate on Wednesday night. Elodie preferred to prepare his classes, with music in his headphones, “not to hear them” while his spouse looked at the television.
How many teachers will make the same choice as Elodie? While they are happy to go to the polls usually, to vote does not go more self for the most politicized with this second duel Macron-Le Pen. “Exasperation and fatigue both professional and democratic cross the faculty”, notes Catherine Nave-Bekhti, General Secretary of the SGEN-CFDT.
Laurent Frajerman, from the FSU Observatory, finds a “great volatility” of the teaching electorate since the collapse of the Socialist Party and believes that the useful vote to Jean-Luc Mélenchon had to play full during the First round, on April 10th. Teachers are nevertheless more divided than it seems. In the ninth wave of the Ipsos-Sopra Steria survey, in partnership with CEVIPOF and the Jean Jaurès Foundation for [Nute] of April 5 – the last available to date, regarding the teacher vote -, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was Credited 25% of the voting intentions for the first round, Emmanuel Macron of 26% and Marine Le Pen of 10%, on a sample of 714 representative teachers.
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