Release OpenBSD 7.1

is presented Issue of a free cross-platform Unix-like operating system OpenBSD 7.1 . The OpenBSD project was founded by TEO De Raadt (Theo de Raadt) in 1995 after a conflict with NetBSD developers, as a result of which the CVS is closed to the CVS, the NetBSD repository. After that, TEO de Rajadt with a group of like-minded people created a new open operating system based on the NetBSD source tree, the main development goals of which were portability ( supported 13 hardware platforms), standardization, correct operation, proactive safety and integrated cryptographic agents. The size of the total installation iso-image OpenBSD 7.1 base system is 580 MB.

In addition to the operating system The OpenBSD project is known for its components that have been distributed in other systems and have proven themselves as one of the safest and qualitative solutions. Among them: libressl (Fork OpenSSL), OpenSsh , the batch filter PF , the routing demons OpenBGPD and OpenOSPFD , NTP server OpenNTPD , mail server OpenSmtpd , text terminal multiplexer (Analog GNU Screen) Tmux , Demon Identd with implementation Ident Protocol, BSDL Alternative GNU Groff Package – mandoc , Protocol for the organization of fault-tolerant CARP systems (Common Address Redundancy Protocol), Light HTTP server , OpenRSync file sync utility.

Basic improvements :

  • is declared ready-to-use MAC computers equipped with ARM-chip Apple M1 (Apple Silicon), such as Apple M1 Pro / Max and Apple T2 Macs. Added drivers for SPI, I2C, DMA controller, keyboard, touchpad, power management and performance. Wi-Fi support provided, GPIO, Framebuffer, USB, Screen, NVME drives.
  • Improved Arm64 architecture support. Added gpiochager, gpioleds and gpiokeys drivers, providing charging, backlit and buttons connected to GPIO (for example, done in Pinebook Pro). Added new drivers: MPFClock (Polarfire Soc MSS Clock Controller), CDSDHC (Cadence SD / SDIO / EMMC Host Controller), MPFIIC (POLARFIE SOC MSS I2C Controller) and MSS GPIO (POLARFIRE SOC MSS GPIO).
  • Improved support for the RISC-V 64 architecture, for which the Uhid and Fido drivers are enabled, support is supported on wheels with GPT.
  • In the Mount_MSDOS utility, the default use of long file names.
  • Recycled garbage collector code for UNIX sockets.
/Media reports.