Presidential election 2022: on immigration, a “right” assessment against a program that comes up against law

In the face of the anticonstitutional measures of Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron remains in the continuity of his five-year, and is succinct in his proposals.


The sequence summarizes the way the two camps still in the presidential election clashed into the campaign on immigration. On the BFM-TV plateau, Wednesday, April 13, the president of the national rally (NR), Jordan Bardella, and the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, cross the iron on different subjects, pensions and purchasing power in particular.

comes the moment to speak immigration. Mr. Bardella is at the offensive. “France is not a social window”, it “is not a hotel”, it “does not have a vocation to welcome everyone”, he hammers. Reel Emmanuel Macron, it would be signing for “five years of more migratory submersion”. It declines the great proposals of Marine Le Pen in this area: book family allowances to the French, to condition at five years working in France Active Solidarity Income (RSA), provide the national priority of access to social housing and employment, suppress State medical assistance (AME), do not process asylum applications only when they are filed in the consulates and embassies of France of the countries of origin.

Jordan Bardella is talkative. Faced with him, Gérald Darmanin is all in restraint and able. “Your project is deeply unfair,” he says to his rival. “There is not an invasion of foreigners in France,” he says again. No promise is formulated by the Minister. Just defends his assessment for renewal at the border. Is there no more complicated equilibrist number than that of home to “at the same time” his left and right against the RN?

“It’s a slippery subject where Emmanuel Macron can only lose, so the less it speaks, it’s better, “, Hillel Rapoport, economist at the University Paris-I and the School of Economics From Paris, and author of rethinking immigration in France. An economic point of view (rue d’Ulm, 2018). Difficult to compete with the RN program in this area, blistering but still unrealizable in many ways. Starting with Marine Le Pen’s commitment to organize, as soon as possible, a referendum on a draft law revising the Constitution to include the “mastery” of immigration, the “national priority” and the rule of national law. on international and European law. “Marine Le Pen can not modify the constitution by referendum or it would be a constitutional coup,” says Serge Slama, a professor of public law at the Grenoble-Alpes University and a member of the Center for Legal Research.

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