Tribune. No, it can not be project against project. Those who are in favor of Mr. Macron’s project have already chosen in the first round.
Arithmetically, it is once again the electors and the voters on the left that it is requested and to whom he will come back to a huge liability effort.
Dialectically, the temptation may exist: let the random and adventurous share of a strategy of progressively-populism duality, also summary, tactically nurtainly nourished during this five-year. And who is as dangerous as she promised him.
Politically, the antagonisms remain. Disagreements are stubborn. They are very far from being insignificant. For the two million poor children in our rich country. High school students that routeup will continue to maltreat. Those who give up the university for lack of resources. For students who are already sacrificing their studies at jobs. Women who receive less than the SMIC for days of more than ten hours, in work and transport. For poor workers. The homeless. Mal-housed. Sans-services-public. The unemployed-en-cross-street. The suspected allowance. The unemployed dismissed for wear. Refugees erected against exiles, distress against distress. For poorly paid teachers who will only be done if they work more. For pressurized caregivers. For those and those that painful or night work faster than others, who will be entitled to retirement after death will have carried a lot of them.
Unequal citizens
Questions persist. Where will we look at the next femicides? What will we say if the climate inaction continues?
You will have to vote yet. Add a newsletter Emmanuel Macron to the heap, structurally minority, of those who adhere to his project, those who like his character, those who are furious but reasonable, those who are tired but lucid. We will now need to add ours.
In front, the extreme right remains the extreme right. Citizens will be unequal to the risks and threats, with regard to the dangers that will weigh on the rule of law, our freedoms and our rights already well mistaken, on the judicial institution and on the Penal Code. It will vote Macron. Without condition. Nevertheless bend the neck. With requirement.
The equation seems an aporia. She is logical. She ceases being in democracy. This is the ethics that offers the outcome. Ethics, according to Paul Ricœur, is the concern for “good life, with and for others, in fair institutions”.
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