In the SDL Library code base Canceled Previously accepted change, by default, activating Wayland’s database in the environments providing simultaneous support for Wayland and x11. Thus, in the release of 2.0.22 as before in Wayland environments with the XWayLand component, the default output will be applied using the X11 protocol.
It is noted that the support of Wayland code SDL is stable, but in third-party applications remain unresolved some problems . For example, regressive changes in games and problems are noted when using NVIDIA drivers, processing events in LibwayLand, loading plug-ins in LibDecor and Steam application.
Assessing the established situation, the developers decided not to hurry and not include Wayland by default in the SDL release 2.0.22.
For those who wish to use Wayland can set the environment variable “SDL_VIDEODRIVER = WAYLAND” before starting the application, or achieve the function ‘SDL_SETHINT (SDL_HINT_VIDEODRIVER, “WAYLAND, X11”)’ before calling SDL_init ():