Angela Rayner, number two of the Labor Party, was questioned by the “email on Sunday” on the basis of sexist allegations of anonymous conservative elected officials. The article arouses an avalanche of indignant reactions.
History is grotesque, perfectly misogynistic and illustrates the poverty of the political debate in certain British tabloids. Sunday, April 24, the email on Sunday devotes his “one” to the deputy Angela Rayner, number two of the Labor Party, with this title: “Tories accuse of using the Basic Instinct strategy to deconcentrate Boris.” In support of the ‘ Article, a photograph of M me Rayner, sitting on the benches of the opposition to the House of Commons, long red hair, black tights and crossed legs. Lower, another snapshot, this time of Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, the famous film of the early 1990s, which transformed the American actress into a sexual icon.
The allegations of the members of the Conservative Party are anonymous, their laughable and even insulting arguments in view of the journey and the qualities of distributing the elected Labor: “She [Angela Rayner] knows that she cannot compete with qualities speaker acquired by Boris at the Oxford Union [one of the most selected clubs of the University of Oxford], but she has other talents – which he does not have “, claims a deputy, quoted by Glen Owen, the signatory of the article and the political editor of the tabloid.
“All because I am a woman”
Born forty-two years ago in a very modest environment, Angela Rayner fell pregnant at 16, left school without qualifying, but she persevered, followed a training as a social worker, then S ‘ is revealed in the union struggle, within Unison, the main center of the British public service. “I am often underestimated. I am pretty, I have long red hair, many think that I am stupid when they see me for the first time,” she notes in a long portrait that has devoted the Guardian in 2012. In 2015, the young woman succeeded in being elected to Ashton-Under-Lyne, a district of the Manchester region, before quickly climbing the ladder within the labor parliamentary group. In recent months, some have even lent him the ambition to want to take the place of the party leader, Keir Starmer.
These accusations are “sexist” swept away Angela Rayner about the email on Sunday on Twitter. “I am accused of plotting to distract the Prime Minister, to neutralize him, all because I am a woman, that I have legs and I wear clothes. You see the picture.” Alluding to the scandal ” Partygate “, these holidays with Downing Street in the middle of the pandemic, the MP adds:” Boris Johnson’s supporters no longer know what to invent to save her skin. “
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