Half of the journalists in permanent contracts of the satirical weekly took their card to the SNJ-CGT, to the chagrin of their direction.
“Duck things are happening that would do a good article in the duck”. Since the end of December, says Christophe Nobili, an unprecedented fever has won the Palmiped. No avian influenza on the horizon, but the creation by the journalist of a union unit, quickly joined by fifteen people, including eleven permanent employees. Unheard of, in this editorial staff, which has twenty-two journalists and a dozen executives and employees on permanent contracts, to which are added a dozen employees who combine this job with their retirement, as well as a myriad of employees more or less Regular. In the end: 49.45 FTE (full -time equivalent), according to the counting established for the creation of a CSE, and the vote scheduled for May 11 on the subject. The battle to stay below 50 employees, synonymous with additional means and rights for the body, was “Homeric”, according to a witness. “There is legislation, I apply it,” refutes Nicolas Brimo, the director of the “satirical newspaper appearing on Wednesday”, injured by this suspicion of bad will.
“crime of lese majesty”
If the company was in the legal obligation to have a CSE since 1 er January 2018, nothing suggested the appearance of a union section. “Management lives this cell as a declaration of war, assures one of the new union members. It looks like a crime of lese majesty”. Not only would it hit the culture of independence of the volatile towards any obedience, but the label chosen by the inserts has trouble passing. “The SNJ-CGT, it brings us closer to the book of the book, it’s nice”, quipped, sour, the president of Editions Maréchal, Michel Gaillard. The SNJ-CGT may have nothing to do with the Historical Syndicate of Press workers (unlike Info’Com-Cgt and the SGLCE ), renowned for its blows, its existence has the effect of a red cloth at 173, rue Saint-Honoré.
The step was taken at the end of 2021. One day, in the wake of an editorial conference, an editor and a director stolen in the feathers with more liveliness than usual. A fist has been lifted – which fell, fortunately, fell on anyone. During the same period, two employees “did not appreciate being treated with a little harshness,” says one of their colleagues. “We old, we have thick leather,” he decrypts, referring to the often “rough” tone of exchanges between plumitives. “But you have to stop, and change this way of addressing staff.”
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