The European Commission presents a directive intended to compensate for the lack of labor in many sectors, such as health.
The European Commission presents, Wednesday, April 27, a project of directive aimed at facilitating the arrival “of skills and talents” in Europe. Clearly, promote a legal migration of workers and young people to meet the demographic challenge and overcome the lack of labor in sectors such as health, technology, construction or transport. The project also evokes the creation of a “talent pole” which would allow, from the summer, to Ukrainian refugees, then to nationals of other third states, to make known their diplomas and their experience in order to integrate the more easily job market.
The Commission chooses to relaunch the old debate on so-called “work” migration in a more favorable context than that of the 2015-2016 crisis, which had opposed countries favorable to the reception of asylum seekers Those who were resolutely hostile. The war in Ukraine has radically changed the situation, and the questions of reception and migration are no longer taboo for most capitals. The European executive also wanted to wait for the result of the French presidential election so as not to run the risk of an instrumentalization of these questions by the extreme right. Finally, the observation, firmly supported by the employers’ federations, that several member states suffer from a shortage of labor that can hinder revival policies constituted another incentive for the European executive.
The Commission, which says that he wants to present “an ambitious and lasting plan”, specifies, however, that no member country will be forced to apply it. No question of a new “political suicide”, indicates a diplomat by referring to the mandatory quotas project of refugees to welcome that the college had mentioned, led at the time by Jean-Claude Juncker. He had led to a serious crisis and created a caesura between the founding states and the countries of central and eastern Europe. This time, it is a question of respecting the jurisdiction of the member states, underlines the commission. “Everyone will decide and the Union will support the States, on the practical and operational level, to face the challenges of demography and migration,” said Brussels. In 2021, it was Parliament that invited her to propose measures to harmonize reception conditions, simplify procedures and fight clandestine work.
He remains to convince third countries that the “partnership” mentioned will cross their interests well. Taking up one of its old slogans, the commission ensures that it aims not to a “brain drain” – an “brain exodus” – but to a “brain gain” – “brain growth”. That it is therefore not a question of depriving the countries concerned with their best elements, the most trained, but, on the contrary, to allow them to train more and to be, ultimately, useful to their country. By providing him with currencies, but also an additional experience and training. The initiative will also be replaced, promises Brussels, as part of development aid.
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