Legislative 2022: rebellious France accused of parachuting candidates in Lyon

The potential invested by journalist Taha Bouhafs, the son-in-law of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Gabriel Amard, or the former magistrate Albert Lévy arouse criticism within the local left.


The announcements -non -formalized but not denied -, several parachutages of candidates La France Insoumise (LFI) in the Lyon region cause serious eddy, risking to stop the electoral dynamics initiated by Jean -Luc Mélenchon in working -class neighborhoods .

“For legislative elections, if the option is to send a kid who has never campaigned in our neighborhoods, that no one has ever come across here, it will be difficult to mobilize. The” third Tour “Sent the Roussi”, confides the world Abdelaziz Chaambi. The former participant of the march for equality and against racism, long known as “march of the beurs”, part in 1983 of the Minguettes district in Vénissieux (Rhône), saw in the breakthrough of Jean-Luc Mélenchon “a board salvation for minorities “. The historic activist of the Lyon suburbs claims to have established “interesting contacts with rebellious officials, to consider the future of districts differently”.

But the possible candidacy of Taha Bouhafs in the 14 e district of the Rhône makes him fear “the return of practical politician”. Journalist for the media, the online television channel close to LFI, Taha Bouhafs was known by the film of the attack of a demonstrator by Alexandre Benalla on 1 er May 2018, at Heart of a major political storm of the Macron five -year term.

“without consultation with activists”

LFI candidate for the 2017 legislative elections in his city of Echirolles (Isère), where he obtained 12.44 % of the votes in the first round, the “militant reporter” could therefore appear in the constituency of Vénissieux for the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. What made the communist mayor react strongly, Michèle Picard. “I learned it by the press. The left must rebuild itself without hegemony of anyone, which supposes to speak to each other,” alerts the elected official.

The reactions are just as crowded in the entourage of Cédric Van Styvendael, socialist mayor of Villeurbanne, where Gabriel Amard is announced in the 6 e district of the Rhône. The son-in-law of Jean-Luc Mélenchon was elected regional advisor in Isère in July 2021. “This is really a bad idea, it does not take into account local situations,” said Cédric Van Styvendael. The possible investiture LFI of the former magistrate Albert Lévy in the 7 e district, revealed by The rue89lyon.fr site , also reacts LFI’s local troops. “The choice to impose a parachuted candidacy was made without consultation with the activists and vertically”, regrets on his Facebook account Thibault Logereau, activist LFI in Bron, and former animator of young “rebellious” of the Rhône.

/Media reports.