John Fithian, President of the National Association of American Cinemas, tries to convince Netflix that his future goes through dark rooms.
Vow, Coué method or tangible start of a modification of the forces involved? During the festival cinemacon , the high mass of American cinema, which s ‘is held from April 25 to 28 in Las Vegas, John Fithian, the boss of the National Association of Owls of Obscure American Salves (NATO), clearly stretched hands in Netflix. “The doors of the cinemas have been open to Netflix films for years,” he said, at the precise moment when the rooms are slowly starting to get out of the awful slump in which they had sunk during the pandemic, while Netflix has just undergone its first loss of subscribers for ten years – and is about to cross a stagnation phase.
Despite its 221 million subscribers worldwide, the streaming giant, whose course has unscrewed to Wall Street of 43.3 % since this announcement, April 20, will he finally need the big screen ? John Fithian claims to have had “many discussions” with Ted Sarandos, Co-PDG of Netflix, trying to prove to him that he could “earn more money by released his best films first in theaters”.
Modifications envisaged
The main global streaming platform, which has lost 200,000 subscribers in the first three months of 2022 and anticipates a tumble of two million subscribers in the second quarter, is said to have a little model. Either to offer cheaper offers to consumers – even if it means resorting to advertising – or, hopes John Fithian, to be more present in theaters. Today, Netflix is limited to released the films he presents in the Oscar race or at certain festivals – without that, these feature films could not claim to be in a few cinemas. “An outing in theaters” allows a “better point” film “, while” those who go directly in streaming are lost “, pleaded the president of this organization, which represents some 35,000 screens in the United States.
Always during the Cinemacon, Adam Aron, the CEO of AMC, the most important room circuit in the United States, wanted to be moderately optimistic about the recovery. According to him, box office revenues will not return before 2024 to their 2019 level (11.4 billion dollars, or 10.85 billion euros). According to IBOE (International Box-Office Essentials), the revenues have however experienced a very strong rebound between the 1 er January 15 by garnering $ 1.5 billion, or five times more that in the dark period of 2021, marked by room closures in New York and Los Angeles. But this result remains in clear decline, 40 % compared to 2019. Adam Aron also deplored the final closure of 800 screens, or 2 % of the US operation, due to the pandemic.