In metropolitan France, there are a little less than three million people without any activity (category A of Pôle Emploi), which had not happened for ten years.
The labor market seems to remain healthy despite the war in Ukraine. In the first quarter, the number of job seekers without any activity (category A) decreased by 5 % throughout the territory – including overseas -, according to statistics published on Thursday by the Dares – the Manager Studies at the Ministry of Labor. This indicator is now just over 3.19 million and even goes under the symbolic bar of the three million (at 2.963 million) if we only take into account variations for the metropolis, which is unprecedented since a decade. So many good news for Emmanuel Macron, who is about to perform a second term, and for the outgoing government.
Developments are favorable for all age groups, in particular for registered in category A of Pôle Emploi which are under 25: – 10.8 % between early January and late March in France, The decline being even more a year (- 25.4 %). A trend undoubtedly attributable, largely, to the strong growth in learning, supported by the aid granted to companies which recruit this type of workforce.
more or less precarious employment
These figures are however offset by another phenomenon, much less positive. The number of women and men looking for a position while exercising a reduced activity (categories B and C) continues to progress (+ 0.6 % in a quarter in mainland France). It is likely that part of the people previously entered in category A came out by finding a work – for fixed -term in many cases – so that they continue to point to Pôle Emploi, but in categories B and C. In other words, their situation has improved, thanks to the resumption of a more or less precarious job.
The fact that category A enrollment continues to reflect so frank in the first three months of the year was far from acquired. Several recently published data show, in fact, that the tricolor economy has entered an area of uncertainty. Thus, in the first trimester, the number of hiring declarations of more than a month outside the temporary worker lowered very slightly ( – 0.5 %), according to URSSAF.