While the charges increases, in particular due to the increase in energy prices, the reference index of rents, which serves as the basis for annual revision, jumped 2.49 % in the first quarter. Unheard of since 2008.
The clouds accumulate above the tenants. Their purchasing power was first started, in 2021, by the flight prices, especially gas. To defuse anger, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, as early as October 2021, established the “price shield”, a blocking of prices regulated at their level of 1 er October 2021 until 1 ER 2022, thus relieving 11 million individual users subscribed to the regulated rate.
But 5 million heated households, them, by a collective installation, in HLM or in co -ownership, were forgotten and only benefited from the extension of said shield by the 1 february. In addition, before the 1 er October 2021, the gas rates had still increased by 45 % in one year. As for the price of electricity, its increase is also, from 1 er February, capped at 4 % compared to the tariffs of October 2021.
Whether gas or electricity, only subscribers at so -called regulated prices benefit from these measures – not customers of alternative suppliers. This is the case, for example, of the 15,000 tenants of the real estate management of the city of Paris (RIVP), whose lessor had opted for the supplier E-Pango, who, failing, unilaterally broke this contract in December 2021 , obliging the RIVP to find a replacement who practices market prices.
Consequence: the charges of each tenant will increase by 40 euros per month on average – an increase that the RIVP will spread over two years to make it less brutal. “Many social landlords have already noted the provisions for charges in order to avoid too painful regularization at the end of the year,” observes Eddie Jacquemart, president of the National Housing Confederation, the first association of HLM tenants. The government was tabling on a return to more “normal” prices by fall, a scenario that the war in Ukraine disrupted.
to a rent of rents?
But tenants are exposed to another bad news during the annual revision of their rent. The contracts in progress in the private as social parks are indexed on the reference index of rents (IRL), whose last value, that of the first quarter 2022, published on April 18 by INSEE, jumped 2.49 % – unheard of since 2008.
And this is only a step, since the IRL is made up of 60 % of the consumer price index excluding rents, 20 % of that of the cost of construction and also 20 % of also that of maintenance and improvement work. However, these three indices, in the fourth quarter of 2021, increased respectively at the rate of 4.5 %, 5.07 %and 6.7 %respectively. The IRL is therefore not about to decelerate, even if the donors may want to be moderation and not pass it on. However, according to Mr. Jacquemart, “the government will have to think, in 2023, to a freeze”.
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