After promising beginnings, discussions between “rebellious” and environmentalists trample and the Communists refuse to base themselves on the results of the first round of the presidential election to distribute the constituencies. On the other hand, the PS surprises with its good will.
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Tuesday, Sandra Regol, number two of the ecological party, kept hope. After a “break” in negotiations with rebellious France (LFI), the time to have their framework validated by the “Parliament” of the Party, she assisted, seated in a cafe near the headquarters of Ecology-les Verts (EELV ): “I became optimistic again, when I was no longer yesterday.” A few minutes later, an SMS alerted him to the broadcasting of posters and leaflets bearing the image of “Jean-Luc Mélenchon , Prime Minister “. Happy, Sandra Regol suddenly was much less so: “How to take such a message?” And to return to HQ, the sullen mine, to discuss the new line to hold.
It will have been enough for a few days for bilateral discussions between LFI and environmentalists, launched with extreme good will, encounter just as extreme difficulties. Things had started well, the discussions were marked: a strategy working group, another program, one last, necessarily thorny, on the constituencies. In just one week, the three accumulate blockages.
On the strategy side, the idea of a common label identifiable by voters made consensus between environmentalists and “rebellious”. Yannick Jadot came on Tuesday morning on France Inter, playing the spoilsports: out of the question to ally himself “behind” Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he warned. “If, at one point, this coalition does not respect the diversity and identity of its partners, it will be without me,” said the presidential candidate for his first public declaration since his defeat.
A criticism accompanied by sentences measured towards Emmanuel Macron. In hollow, the environmental candidate reflects the fear of a dilution of EELV in this new “popular pole” and the difficulty of realizing themselves in a few days on a radical force after a campaign carried out at the center. This common label could have been called the “Popular Ecologist Union” (EELV proposal) or “the People’s Union, Left and Environmentalists gathered” (Proposal of the Communist Party, PCF) but LFI has not yet accepted any These names.
“Hegémonic reflexes”
As for the program, while LFI was congratulated at the start of the ease of the discussions, it now deplores in a press release backwards: “EELV no longer undertakes for retirement at 60 for all, The blocking of fuel prices and the application of the principle of disobedience in Europe. “The text of the Federal Ecologist Council of Monday cites, it is true, the” attachment to a federal Europe “and the last proposal of EELV does not contain Not some markers desired by LFI. But environmentalists deny having varied.
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