At the call of a hundred local collectives and around fifteen national organizations, thousands of activists organized around thirty actions on Tuesday in France against road projects, highways, d ‘Extension of airports, shopping centers, warehouses …
“Funeral march” in Saclay (Essonne) to denounce the concrete of agricultural land in Ile-de-France, blocking the site of extension of an industrial chicken coop of nearly 200,000 poultry in Lescout (Tarn) … The call of around 100 local collectives and around fifteen national organizations, thousands of activists organized, on Tuesday, April 26, around thirty actions throughout France against road projects, highways, d ‘Extension of airports, shopping centers, e-commerce warehouses … The day, called “ Return to land “, aimed to denounce” unjust and polluting projects supported during the previous five -year term “.
In the next day of the presidential election, the demonstrators called to lead the ecological struggle and to “intensify the balance of power” at the local level. “We can no longer believe in the promises of the government, as we did during the Citizen Convention for the Climate or on the Climate and Resilience, warns Chloé Gerbier, co -founder of the earth of struggles, an association created in July 2021 for Press the local struggles. We must act ourselves on our territories to prevent the slightest toxic infrastructure. “
Ministry of the Ecological Transition targeted
The activists have also targeted the Ministry of Ecological Transition, in Paris, by erecting in front of its entrance a wall of concrete blocks. “We cannot on the one hand launch major promises of carbon neutrality and zero artificialization of land, and on the other authorize and finance these polluting projects by the hundreds,” says Victor Vauquois, co -founder of struggles. The lawyer Chloé Gerbier also denounces a reduction in environmental law and a reduction in information and public participation procedures on development projects during the last five -year term.
Regretting “the method used”, the Ministry of Ecological Transition ensures that “the Government has fully engaged in the fight against the artificialization of soils”, in particular by registering this obligation in the CLIMATE AND RESILIENCE law and in Abandoning projects “judged contrary to our ecological objectives”, such as EuropaCity, Notre-Dame-des-Landes Airport, the sale of the AgroParistech site in Grignon, the T4 terminal in Roissy, or the mountain mine in gold in Guyana. Activists argue of the prosecution, even multiplication, road projects, e-commerce warehouses or factories.
In reaction, the movement of “resistance to destructive projects” continues to strengthen. It now has more 400 local collectives distributed throughout the territory – against around 200 in 2019, and around forty in 2015 – bringing together tens of thousands of opponents, according to Lottes. “We are faced with a decentralized social movement which begins to assume themselves as such,” says Léa Sébastien, lecturer in geography at Toulouse-II University and researcher on development conflicts.
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