With an abstention close to records and an extreme right which exceeds for the first time the 40 % of the votes’ mark, the head of state reached 58 % of the votes.
The hardest part begins. Emmanuel Macron was re -elected President of the Republic on Sunday April 24, with 58.2 % of the votes against Marine Le Pen, according to the first estimates. A feat that no outing had managed to accomplish under the v e Republic, outside the period of cohabitation, from Charles de Gaulle, in 1965. But the conditions of this victory do not encourage triumphalism , the day after a campaign without enthusiasm.
The abstention rate (28.2 %), first, comes to tu a long -standing record, which dates back to the second round of the 1969 presidential election (31.15 %). The latter then opposed two right -wing candidates, Georges Pompidou and Alain Poher. “White and white Bonnet Bonnet”, denounced the communist Jacques Duclos to reject the two pretenders to the Elysée.
“neither Macron nor Le Pen”, assimilated, on Sunday, part of the voters, echoing the slogan launched by some students during the ‘Entre-deux-Tours. And this, despite a difference in fundamental nature between the two candidates, as the Head of State hammered, who summed up this election to a referendum “for or against the European Union”, “for or against ecology “,” for or against our Republic “. Sign of the trivialization of the extreme right in a large part of the electorate.
The reissue of the 2017 duel between the founder of La République en Marche (LRM) and the leader of the National Rally (RN) has shaken the Republican Front. The daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, who had obtained 33.90 % of the votes five years ago, exceeds for the first time the 40 % of the vote. An observation of failure for Emmanuel Macron, who provided, on the evening of his previous victory, on May 7, 2017, wanting to ensure that the French “no longer have any reason to vote for the extremes”.
Fear of a third social round
Meanwhile, the crises, in particular that linked to the covid-19, have been there, defended the interested party, who has continued to replace this dynamic in the broader context of the growing of the extreme Right for twenty years, in France and abroad. His oppositions of right and left, they accused him throughout the five -year term of seeking to consolidate the match with the far right candidate in order to facilitate her re -election.
After his short first-round campaign, Emmanuel Macron threw all his strength in the Battle of the Entre-Deux-Tours. He managed to dig a gap with his opponent that the polls did not promise him, on the evening of April 10. A dynamic imposed on the great move of displacements on land favorable to the third man of the ballot, Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The Head of State has not feared, either, to adopt an offensive strategy during his debate in the face of the leader of the RN.
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