At the invitation of Christophe Barreyre, Vincent Hazard imagined a fiction around the case which shook the UMP in 2012. A success, thanks to a hand -sewn achievement by Baptiste Guitton and a beautiful distribution.
first give Caesar what the listeners of France Inter ow him. That is to say a lot. Long reporter, Christophe Barreyre imagined, in 2014, “sensitive affairs”, which has since become one of the flagship programs in France Inter. Hosted by Fabrice Drouelle, this program returns to the antenna every day on a news item, political, economic, social or cultural, and, on Friday, the story proposed in the first part of the program takes the form of a fiction.
“Fiction is interesting to talk about reality in that it opens up other perspectives, confided to us Christophe Barreyre. This is what, in a sense, certain novelists, such as Marie Ndiaye or Emmanuel Carrère.” Hence his desire to develop series. So certainly, France Inter does not have the means of Netflix, but it is fortunate to be able to rely on authors and directors of great talent.
fake invoices
Thus, it was François Pérache and Cédric Aussir who signed the jacket, devoted to François Fillon and “Penelopegate”, and Jeanne returns, a series in four episodes on the history of the PEN (2018 and 2019). Recently, Vincent Hazard and Baptiste Guiton proposed Panda, the voice of jihad, returning to the terrorist course of the Clain brothers. And it is they who sign today the excellent 22 million, who tells Bygmalion.
Small reminder of the facts: in 2014, the case broke out when the point accuses the company of overfecting its communication services at the UMP for the benefit of its leaders and Jean-François Copé. False invoices that correspond to the payment of real services made by Bygmalion during the Nicolas Sarkozy campaign of 2012. Sentenced on September 30, 2021 to one year in prison, the former head of state appealed this decision.
And this is all this affair that, with a more than certain sense of twist, the series imagined by Vincent Hazard, who has decided to give it to hear from the point of view of Florence, which embodies to Wonderful the actress Tiphaine Daviot. A fictitious character although inspired by the original investigator, Florence is a police lieutenant recently arrived at the Central Office to Combat Corruption and financial and fiscal offenses (created in 2013, the OCLCIFF is one of the first devices Established to “fight in a determined way against all forms of fraud and damage to probity affecting both national solidarity and the exemplarity of the Republic”).
In the first episode, we present the facts and the main protagonists: Florence therefore, but also François Mollins, who is responsible for opening the investigation, Jérôme Lavrilleux, known to be the “filing” of Jean- François Copé, he was deputy director of the presidential campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy (episode 2). There are also the Renaud van Ruymbeke judges, Serge Tournaire and Roger Le Loire. (Episode 4).
But useless, basically, to say more, because the case is known. Let’s say, on the other hand, that Vincent Hazard knew how to make a largely documented fiction without ever the dramaturgy being sacrificed on the altar of the invoices. In addition, this series, sewn by Baptiste Guitton, who signs the realization and whose beautiful voice is heard, sheds light on the functioning of justice in France. To share widely.