The Politico site publishes a decision project that would put Roe v. Wade, who had granted women the right to abortion in 1973.
An extraordinary flight, concerning a potentially historical decision: thus sums up the revelation by the Politico site, Monday May 2, of a draft decision of the Supreme Court, still under discussion, which would delete the right to abortion. This text would crush the so -called roe v. Wade (1973), the cornerstone of women’s freedom to have their bodies throughout the country in the name of the right to privacy. He would send back to each State the possibility of adopting its own legislation, therefore to decide, if he wishes, to make abortion illegal, without even necessarily predicting exception for rape and incest. A dozen states have already adopted laws of this nature, which are only waiting for a final decision of the Supreme Court in this sense.
roe v. Wade was consolidated in 1992, during a new decision, Planned Parenthood v. Casey. She considered that laws penalizing or limiting abortion should not create or cause the pregnant woman an “excessive charge” (Undu Burden). According to the draft revealed on Monday, abortion would not be “deeply rooted in the history and traditions of the nation”, thus granting little value to the idea of emancipation and progress, not to mention the evolution of Medicine and customs.
The previous Texan
The final decision of the nine magistrates of the Court is expected by the end of the session in early July. But only the three so -called liberal members – Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan – are clearly opposed to any revision of Roe v. Wade. John Roberts’ position remains unknown. Even if he joined the dissident opinion of his three colleagues, that would not be enough to reverse the majority opinion.
Such a decision of the Supreme Court would hardly be a surprise. The domination of conservative judges is such (six against three) and their preferences so well identified that associations for the defense of reproductive rights had hardly been illusions for a long time. The refusal of the Court to suspend a very restrictive law in Texas, entered into force on 1 er September and prohibiting abortion beyond six weeks, had been a strong index. And this while this text ventured into unpublished territories, by appealing to justice denunciations of simple citizens against all those promoting medical procedure.
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