In a letter to his activists, Guillaume Lacroix, the party leader, castigates the “arrangements” of EELV, the PS and the Communists, vectors, according to him, of an “inscription” which “nourishes the extreme right “.
Le Monde
“I hear that many French people on the left aspire to the union of the left. Whatever it costs? I don’t think so.” In a letter addressed to activists from the Radical Left Party, Monday 2 April, the president of the training, Guillaume Lacroix, explains the decision taken the day before by the Executive Committee of the PRG, which voted more than 90 % “for an independent PRG”.
Left radicals thereby refuse all comparison with rebellious France, which, strong of the 21.95 % of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the presidential election, concluded, Sunday, an agreement with Europe Ecologie-les Verts In view of the legislative elections and continues, on Monday, discussions with the Socialist Party, the Communist Party and the new anti -capitalist party.
In this text, Guillaume Lacroix deplores that Jean-Luc Mélenchon seeks to create a “block of radicalism”. This perspective is incompatible in his eyes with the “fundamentals” of his training – universalism, secularism and European construction. “Our disagreements with the driving force of this union are considerable, (…) on the energy independence of France, on geopolitical and defense issues”, details the president of the PRG.
“the independence of values ”
Guillaume Lacroix has hardwords against concessions acted or envisaged by environmentalists or communists to associate with LFI:
Pass in a few hours from the defense of nuclear to its total judgment (…), from the will of a strong, social and protective Europe to generalized disobedience, would only be the guarantee of an inscription.
Monday morning, Fabien Roussel, the communist candidate disappointed at the Elysée, said he was ready to “put aside” the development of atomic energy, which he defended Mordicus, unlike Jean-Luc Mélenchon ; And Sunday, environmentalists – however convinced federalists – conceded to LFI a compromise under which they agree to “disobey” certain European rules, if this does not affect “the rule of law”.
“This insincerity of convictions has nourished the extreme right for decades”, is criticizing Guillaume Lacroix, who says he prefer “the independence of values” to “arrangements”, and is worried about “attending the death of the Left called “Social-Democrat” “. This alert echoes those issued on Sunday and Monday by the socialists Stéphane Le Foll and Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, wind up against negotiations with LFI conducted by the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure.
PRG candidates for the legislative elections will be “ardent promoters of a social, united and environmentalist project at the service of the weakest, but also listening to the middle classes on which the burden of the collective is based and tomorrow The planet, “concludes Mr. Lacroix. In a press release also published Monday , the PRG, Who has three deputies today, announces applications in a hundred constituencies. In response to the LFI attraction pole, he also calls for the creation of a “common house of the republican and European left”.