Negotiations between the PS and France Insoumise on a possible agreement for the legislative elections were suspended on Friday, but the first secretary of the Socialist Party was once again open to discussion on Sunday.
Le Monde
The Socialist Party (PS) and La France Insoumise (LFI) “continue to discuss everything” in the quest for a left -wing agreement in the legislative elections, reported on Sunday 1
Will an agreement take place? “I don’t know, but I wish it,” said Mr. Faure, judging that no divergence seemed “unsurpassable” to him. However, it is not a question of agreeing only on a sharing of the constituencies:
“The idea is not to improvise something on a corner of the table. The idea is to cause cohabitation. (…) If we pretend to govern tomorrow, we must agree on The bottom. “
Suites of discussions” Tonight “
With 21.95 % of the votes of his candidate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in the first round of the presidential election, LFI launched bilateral discussions with the other left parties in order to find an agreement for the legislative elections June 12 and 19, including the PS, but also Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EELV), the new anti-capitalist party (NPA) and the Communist Party (PC).
In Paris, where he demonstrated on the occasion of International Workers’ Day, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was also optimistic. “We are approaching the goal,” he said, adding, for these parties, that “all those who participate will have a” parliamentary, everyone will have their own funding association ” , and finally that “the program will be a shared program, a government program”.
“We can see that we are no longer so far from an agreement. We will continue to speak this evening,” abounded Olivier Faure, also present at the Parisian demonstration. MM. Faure and Mélenchon then hugged his hand, before engaging in a brief conversation.
divisions at PS
The discussions between PS and LFI had been “suspended” by the socialists on Friday, who criticized the “hegemonic” attitudes of LFI.
A minority current of the PS does not accept the ideological requirements of “rebellious”. Sunday, the predecessor of Olivier Faure at the head of the PS, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, castigated in an open letter the inclinations of LFI to “get out of European treaties”, “to found the vi “, Bring back retirement at 60 and launching” impracticable vertiginous expenses “. He called socialist personalities – including François Hollande, Bernard Cazeneuve, Anne Hidalgo, Stéphane Le Foll or Martine Aubry – to “coordinate to resist and redesign”. Mr. Le Foll dropped his blows on Sunday in an interview at point, accusing Olivier Faure of being” ready to sell off the whole Socialist history for an agreement on twenty constituencies “.
Some mayors who make up with plural majorities are on the contrary mounted in the niche to defend an alliance model, such as the ecologist Grégory Doucet, in Lyon, or in Nantes the socialist Johanna Rolland – yet ex -Director of campaign The socialist presidential candidate, Anne Hidalgo, who remains silent.
Sunday 1