After shooting an Israeli guard on Friday, the attackers fled by car and the Israeli forces had immediately launched a man hunt to find them. A Palestinian was shot in the night of Friday to Saturday during one of these research operations.
Le Monde with AFP
Israeli security forces arrested the alleged perpetrators of a deadly attack on Saturday April 30 in the north of the occupied West Bank, police said in a statement. Friday evening, two attackers killed an Israeli guard who was in faction in front of one of the access to the Israeli colony of Ariel (North).
The two suspects were arrested with their weapons in the Palestinian village of Qarawat Bani Hassan, northwest of Ariel, said the army.
After shooting the guard, the attackers fled by car and the Israeli forces had immediately launched a manhunt to find them.
“There is no terrorist who will escape us and with whom we will not settle our accounts (…) Together we will defeat,” the Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement after the Announcement of the capture of the two suspects.
The attack was claimed on Saturday by the brigades of the Martyrs of Al-Aqsa, the army branch of the Fatah party of the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. She “was carried out in response to the violations committed by the Occupation Government in Jerusalem,” the group wrote in a statement. An allusion to the clashes between Israeli police officers and Palestinians who have made nearly 300 Palestinian wounded for two weeks on and around the Mosques esplanade in East Jerusalem, the sector of the holy city occupied and annexed by Israel. The esplanade of mosques is the third holy place of Islam and the most sacred of Judaism under its name of Mont du Temple.
manhunt in the north of the West Bank
During these clashes, Israeli police were deployed on the esplanade whose access they control and also entered the Al-Aqsa mosque, launching tear gas, aroused the convictions of Palestinians and Muslim countries. The leader of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, in power in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinouar, threatened on Saturday with a “great battle” against Israel in the event of a new “attack” of Israeli forces in the Al-Aqsa mosque.
Between Friday and Saturday evening, the Israeli security forces, which had been strengthened, had launched into a manhunt in the north of the West Bank to find the suspects of Ariel’s attack. The soldiers carried out arrests and seized weapons, particularly in the Palestinian village of Bruqin west of Ariel, and in the refugee camp in Balata, near Naplus, according to the army. A Palestinian in his twenties, Yahya Adwan, was shot in the night from Friday to Saturday during one of these research operations, in the locality of Azzoun, about twenty kilometers from Ariel .
Halls broke out after his funeral on Saturday in Azzoun between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers. Three Palestinians were shot in the legs and hospitalized, reported the Palestinian Red Crescent. The Israeli army has reported a “violent riot” during which dozens of Palestinians attacked soldiers with stones and fiery tires.
The death of the West Bank has been the number of people killed in anti-Israeli attacks since March 22. Between March 22 and April 7, fourteen people were killed in attacks in Israeli territory. In the process, the Israeli army has carried out several operations in the West Bank enamelled with deadly clashes. In total, twenty-seven Palestinians and three Israeli Arabs were killed, including attackers.
About 475,000 Israelis live in the West Bank in colonies deemed illegal with regard to international law. Over 2.8 million Palestinians live in this territory.