To make France an “great ecological nation”, as Emmanuel Macron has engaged there, the new government will have to quickly accelerate several fronts.
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“This five -year term will be ecological or will not be”, promised Emmanuel Macron before his re -election, April 16 in Marseille. The Head of State has also announced that he wanted to go twice as fast on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while France is late on his climatic objectives and has been recalled twice by Justice. Decarbonation of the entire economy, deep modification of food and agricultural systems, protection of biodiversity, abandonment of the most dangerous phytosanitary products, fight against pollution … if it wants to keep its commitments and make France a ” Large ecological nation “, the president will have to speed up many fronts. Overview of some priority sites.
Choose good governance
A few days before the appointment of the new Prime Minister and the appointment of his government, the ministerial architecture of environmental and climatic policy is not yet definitively arrested. There are certainly the announcements of candidate Macron, in Marseille, who drew the framework: a prime minister “in charge of ecological planning” and two “strong” ministries, one for “energy planning” and the other “charged of territorial ecological planning “. A scheme that seems difficult to materialize when it comes to specifying the powers of these ministries.
“With a Prime Minister in charge of ecological planning, it is no longer just the Ministry of Ecological Transition that discusses with the other ministries, advances Barbara Pompili, current minister of this transition. All will have to set up this Politics. “This new responsibility of Matignon could be declined by the arrival of a general secretariat for ecological planning, under the direct authority of the Prime Minister, declines Pascal Canfin, European deputy (Renew Europe) and president of the environmental committee of the European Parliament.
But nothing has yet been defined. How to plan energy production when you know that it is closely linked to the territorial question, for example with regard to the establishment of wind turbines? What about the future of Roquelaure, seat of the current Ministry of Ecological Transition, who would be split in two? For relatives of the file, the current ministry, with its prerogatives – housing, transport, biodiversity, etc. -, could remain, renamed the new label “Territorial ecological planning”, thus keeping its central directions, with the exception of energy.
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