Issue of Systemd 251 system manager

After five months of development presented the release of the system manager Systemd 251 .

The main changes :

  • Increased system requirements. The minimum supported version of the Linux nucleus is increased from 3.13 to 4.15. The work requires the presence of the Clock_boottime timer. For assembly you need a compiler with support for the C11 standard and GNU extensions (the C89 standard continues to be used for heading files).
  • The new internal divided library, which is installed in the catalog/usr/Lib/Systemd/System and corresponds to the existing LibsystemD-SHHARED-.SO library. The use of the divided LibsyStymd-Core-.SO library allows you to reduce the total installation size due to the re-use of binary code.
    The version number can be set through the ‘Shared-Lib-Tag’ parameter in the Meson assembly system and enables distributors to simultaneously supply several versions of the libraries.
  • The transfer of $ monitor_Service_Result, $ monitor_exit_code, $ monitor_exit_status, $ monitor_invocation_id and $ monitor_unit with information about the information about the tracking Yuni. was implemented to the
  • For Unit, the setting of Extensiondirectories is implemented, which can be used to organize the loading components of the system extension (System Extension) from conventional catalogs rather than disk images. The contents of the system extension are superimposed using Overlayfs and is used to expand the catalogs hierarchy /usr /and /OPT /, and add additional files during operation, even if these catalogs are suspended in the only reading mode. The command ‘Portable Attach –Extension =’ also added support for the directory of the catalog.
  • For Unit, forcibly completed by the Systemd-Oomd processor due to lack of memory in the system, the sign of the sign ‘oom-kill’ and reflection in the attribute ‘user.oomd_ooms’ are ensured by the number of forced conclusions.
  • For Unit, new specifiers of the senctors of %Y/ %Y were added, reflecting the normalized path to unit (with the disclosure of symbolic links). Also added to the specifiers %Q for substitutes Pretty_hostname and %D for substitution Credentials_directory.
  • В непривилегированных сервисах, запускаемых обычным пользователем с использованием флага “–user”, разрешено изменение настроек RootDirectory, MountAPIVFS, ExtensionDirectories, *Capabilities*, ProtectHome, *Directory, TemporaryFileSystem, PrivateTmp, PrivateDevices, PrivateNetwork, NetworkNamespacePath, PrivateIPC, IPCNamespacePath , Privateusers, ProtectClock, ProtectkerNelTunables, ProtectkerNelmoudules, ProtectkerNellogs and Mountflags. The ability is available only when the user identifiers (User Namespaces)
  • in the system of names are included in the system.

  • In the setting of LoadCredical, it is allowed to indicate the name of the catalog as an argument, in this case, an attempt to download the accounts from all files in the specified catalog is made.
/Media reports.