Release Nginx 1.22.0

After 13 months of development presented a new stable branch of a high-performance http server and multi-percous proxy server nginx 1.22.0 , which incorporated the changes accumulated in the main branch 1.21.X. In the future, all changes in a stable branch 1.22 will be associated with the elimination of serious errors and vulnerabilities. Soon the main branch of Nginx 1.23 will be formed, in which the development of new capabilities will continue. For ordinary users who have no task to ensure compatibility with third-party modules, is recommended to use the main branch , on the basis of which once every three months, the releases of the commercial product Nginx Plus are formed.

In accordance with April report Netcraft Nginx is used on 20.08% of all active sites (a year ago 20.15%, two years ago 19.56%), which corresponds to the second place in popularity in this category (the share of Apache corresponds to 22.58% (a year ago 25.38%), Cloudflare – 10.42% (8.51% ), Google – 8.89% (10.09%). At the same time, when considering all NGINX sites, it retains leadership and occupies 31.13% of the market (a year ago 35.34%, two years ago – 36.91%), while the share of Apache corresponds to 23.08% (25.98 %), OpenResty (platform based on nginx and luajit) – 8.01%(6.55%), Cloudflare – 5.49%, Microsoft Iis – 4 % (5.96%).

Among the million of the most visited sites in the world, the share of Nginx is 21.79%(a year 23.06%, two years ago 25.54%). Currently, under the control of Nginx, about 361 million sites operate (a year ago 419 million). According to data w3Techs nginx are used on 33.5% of the most visited sites, in May this indicator was 33.8%, renens – renens – renens. 31.9%. The share of Apache for the year decreased from 33.8% to 31.5%, and the share of Microsoft IIS from 7% to 6%. The share of LiteSpeed ​​increased from 8.5% to 12.1%, and Node.js from 1.2% to 1.9%. In Russia, nginx is used on 79.8% of the most visited sites (a year ago – 79.1%).

The most noticeable improvements added during the formation of the main branch 1.21.x:

  • Added a new directive mp4_sta_key_frame in the module ngx_http_mp4_module for broadcasting the video tack, starting with the key frame.
  • В директивах “proxy_ssl_certificate”, “proxy_ssl_certificate_key” “grpc_ssl_certificate”, “grpc_ssl_certificate_key”, “uwsgi_ssl_certificate” и “uwsgi_ssl_certificate_key” добавлена ​​поддержка переменных.
  • Directive “ sendfile_max_chunk ” The default value was changed to 2 megababians;
  • in postal proxy-module
/Media reports.