Mila, who lives under police protection, was the target of a “tidal wave of hatred” after having responded in January 2020 to insults on social networks on his sexual orientation through a Vehemented video on Islam.
Le Monde with AFP
The Paris judicial court sentenced, Tuesday, May 24, to sentences ranging from three months suspended prison sentence to four months firm, under electronic bracelet, six people, including four women, tried for harassment and threat of death Mila.
Mila, who lives under police protection, was the target of a “tidal wave of hatred” after responding in January 2020, when she was 16 and a half years old, to insults on Social networks on his sexual orientation through a vehement video on Islam.
The young woman, who claims her right to blasphemy, had attracted a new salvo of threats after the publication of a second controversial video, November 14, 2020, in which she launched her detractors:
Last thing, watch your friend Allah, please. Because my fingers in her asshole, I still haven’t come out.
more than 100,000 hateful messages
According to her lawyer, Mila has received more than 100,000 hateful messages and death threats since her January 2020 video. Mila was not present at the hearing on Tuesday, nor any of the defendants, aged 19 to 39 years.
In his deliberation, the court did not retain the death threat chief that only one defendant, Melinda D., mother of two, already sentenced several times for theft, fraud or driving without a license. The other five defendants were sentenced to the aggravated chief of harassment alone.
Besides the three -month suspended sentences for a defendant and four months firm for another, two defendants received a suspended four -month prison sentence and two other six months suspended. All defendants will also have to pay a sum of 3,000 euros to Mila in compensation for moral damage. They are also all deprived of the right of eligibility for a year.
“The condemnation of the six persons prosecuted was necessary,” said Mila’s lawyer, M e Richard Malka, stressing that “only a few words on a social network can have serious consequences For the authors of these words of hatred and violence “. “I have no satisfaction to see these young people condemn. My only satisfaction in this file, it would be that Mila could find a normal life … and that is not the case,” he added.