Survivor of the Auschwitz extermination camp, Elie Buzyn died on Monday at the age of 93. Born in Lodz, Poland, he immigrated to France after the war. For almost thirty years, he testified in schools.
He had the death of a big one. Elie Buzyn, 93, had just finished his testimony on the Holocaust in front of young people, a poignant story “which had extended”, as his family indicated in the world, when he was taken with discomfort. He died the next morning, Monday, May 23, in Paris on Monday. Testing the ghetto, the deportation, the extermination of his loved ones, has long remained impossible for this man who seemed a rock. “It is even more difficult to talk to your children about it. It is as if they were injected their own suffering. We cannot say the true reality to the youngest,” he had explained to high school students from Marly- Le-Roi (Yvelines), in January. Just after the release of the camps, telling was even unthinkable, in his eyes: “I imposed myself to look only in front of me. The slightest look back or from the side and I would have committed suicide.”
But there was the promise made in Sarah, in the ghetto of Lodz, Poland, the day of his 13 years. This January 7, 1942, we celebrate his bar-mitsva clandestinely. His mother looks at him: “We will not survive. You have to do everything to stay alive, try to find my brothers, in Paris, and tell what happened to us.” The sweetness of living in a wealthy and cultivated family – the Father, industrial in textiles, has many employees – suddenly ended a few months after the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, in September 1939. The scene that marks the child forever takes place on the night of 7 March 1940. The SS, judging that the Jews of this prosperous city of 672,000 inhabitants do not obey quickly enough to the decree which forces them to abandon their apartment to house in a overcrowded and unsanitary ghetto, bring together a large number of them in a courtyard.
Among them, the parents Buzyn and their three children: Avram, the elder, adored by his little brother, Elie, who is eleven years younger than him. Between them, their sister, Tauba. The Germans randomly designate three young people in this icy night. And cut them off, under the eyes of their loved ones. All lasted two minutes. Avram, 22, lies on the ground, in his blood. Tauba will be taken on serious epilepsy crises, which will be necessary at all costs – the patients are eliminated. And Sarah, at the end of a long night spent in a hangar, will offer in light the face of an old woman with sudden hair whitewas.
“Your parents are already in the smoke that you See there “
Elie was born on January 7, 1929 into a happy family. Sarah, without being a religious, respects Jewish festivals, but especially the principles of charity, sharing, and campaigns in several associations. The turbulent youngest may be pampered by her mother, she does not let him go beyond the limits. He remembered his anger for a long time when he had made a hook at one of the servants of the house. Avram, an intellectual passionate about agriculture, wants to cultivate the land in Palestine. He left for several months on a farm in the south of Poland. But his father came to seek him, because Sarah languished her son. How to imagine that this return would sign his death?
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