Gabriel Attal appointed Minister of Public Accounts in new government of Elisabeth Borne

The former government spokesperson becomes Minister Deputy Public Accounts in the new government. A promotion for the one who has been invested in the Republic on the march since 2017.


He is one of the figures of the presidential majority. At 33, Gabriel Attal is one of the important members of the government, which he spoke during the passage of Jean Castex to Matignon. First bulwark of the executive in the face of journalists’ questions during the report of the Council of Ministers, he held good during the three weeks between the re -election of Emmanuel Macron and the appointment of Elisabeth Borne in Matignon, handling the language of wood Perfectly. A perilous balancing test when the days of her government were counted. The appointment of Gabriel Attal, Friday, May 20, as Minister of Public Accounts, also welcomed this ease.

Despite his young age, Gabriel Attal has an already full political journey. Former socialist activist convinced by Ségolène Royal in 2007, he began his political career in 2011 – he was 22 years old – when he campaigned for François Hollande as an assistant of Marisol Touraine. After the victory of the former first secretary of the PS in the presidential election, he joined the cabinet of M touraine as a parliamentary attaché. His verve and his interpersonal skills allow him to climb the ladder at very high speed. In 2014, he was elected socialist municipal councilor in Vanves (Hauts-de-Seine), where he resides. It is then found in several ministerial offices: from Ségolène Neuville, Michèle Delaunay and especially Marisol Touraine. Then he presents himself to the deputation in 2017 in the 10 e district of his department, Les Hauts-de-Seine.

engaged in the Republic on 2017

Invested by La République en Marche which he has just joined, he is elected against the candidate of André Santini, the all-powerful mayor (UDI) of Issy-les-Moulineaux since 1980. A remarkable victory which Propels spokesperson for the presidential party, the following year. He then became the maid to the high verb of the Macronie. He evokes the “Grevulture” of students and strike railway workers in 2018 or a presidential campaign of “living dead” more recently.

After having been Secretary of State for Youth to the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, where he brought the Decree of the Universal National Youth Service, he replaces Sibeth N’Diaye as government spokesperson in government July 2020.

The crisis linked to the COVID-19 is already there and takes most of his time. Between mornings and interviews with the written press or even appearances in live interviews of known personalities on social networks, Gabriel Attal is everywhere. In the fall of the same year, he mistakenly announced a curfew at 9 pm “in Paris and perhaps in Ile-de-France”. Matignon reappears it within an hour. A hiccup that recalls those of its predecessor, Sibeth N’Diaye. But who does not erase the qualities of Gabriel Attal for political communication since the courses he received at Sciences Po Paris. An asset he will need in his new functions.

/Media reports.