The seven major powers have undertaken to decarbonize the majority of their sector by 2035, and to no longer finance fossil fuels abroad before the end of the year.
They wanted to send a common response to the “triple global crisis” of climate change, the erosion of biodiversity and pollution. Gathered in Berlin on Thursday, May 26 and Friday, May 27, the climate, energy and environment ministers of the G7 won advances in the fight against these perils due to human activities, which “lead to serious repercussions on the planet, lives and livelihoods “.
The seven major powers (Germany, Canada, United States, France, Italy, Japan and United Kingdom) have committed, for the first time, to decarbonize the “majority” of their electricity sector by 2035 . To achieve this objective, the countries promise to “support an acceleration of the world’s exit from coal”, the main cause of global warming, and to “quickly develop the technologies and policies necessary for the transition to clean energy”, as They indicate it .
“This decision represents a major advance,” says David Ryfisch, head of international policies for the German NGO Germanwatch. In the current geopolitical context “tense” war in Ukraine and flambée in energy prices, this group of nations, responsible for more than a quarter of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions, ” Clearly pronounced in favor of renewable energies and energy efficiency rather than fossil fuels, “he believes.
” Coal is finished “
Stéphane Crouzat, the climate ambassador of France, notes a semantic evolution proving that “the States consider more and more that coal is over”. For the first time, the text evokes the “outing” of the fuel, when it spoke of “transition” last year. In the 26
No date is however specified for the end of coal. “But this decision means, in practice, that countries will have to get out of it in 2030 at the latest,” said Luca Bergamaschi, director of the Italian Think Tank ECCO. The heads of state and government of the G7 “must commit themselves formally” at their summit at the end of June, calls the expert. At this stage, only Japan has no exit plan for this energy, on which it strongly depends: it should still represent 19 % of its electric mix in 2030.
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