Homeless, drug addict… In Paris, centers for excluded struggles to make a place

In the 16ᵉ arrondissement, the mayor Francis Szpiner is a standing wind against a project for the reception of drug addicts. A case of school of all obstacles that block the establishment of aid structures in the capital.


Will Parisian Crack consumers and other drugs soon be treated in Auteuil? In this quiet and upscale district of 16 e arrondissement, a medical accommodation center intended for drug addicts is in principle on the point of being arranged in a disused wing of the Chardon-Lagache hospital. The project “has been the subject of unanimously favorable opinion,” said the Regional Health Agency (ARS) in Ile-de-France. He therefore “intended to be selected”. A “very good news”, according to Anne Souyris, the environmental environmental assistant to Anne Hidalgo, delighted that the bourgeois districts of West Parisian, anchored on the right, participate in “territorial solidarity”. But Francis Szpiner, mayor Les Républicains (LR) of the district and candidate for the legislative elections, hopes to derail the project. He has just launched a petition in this direction. Friday, May 27, just under 5,000 people signed it.

An emblematic affair of the resistance to which projects intended for excluded from all kinds, in particular in Paris. In recent months have shown it with strength. The rooms envisaged to accommodate crack addicts, this particularly addictive “poor drug”? The Paris town hall had planned four establishments. But, as soon as the first address was unveiled, in the Pelleport district (20 in DIFFICATION), the outcry was so powerful that the file was abandoned, and the other three with. The transfer of the dutyicoman camps from the Villette gate to a railway wasteland from 12 e ? Two and a half days after announcing it, the prefect of police Didier Lallement had to give it up in front of the virulent opposition on the left and right.

The homeless reception center provided by the Salvation Army at the bottom of a Saint-Fargeau building (20 e ) hardly seems better. Faced with the categorical refusal of the co -owners, who had not been consulted, the Protestant organization put its project on hold, even if it means paying 25,000 euros per month of rent for an unused room … The work scheduled for January still have not started. “We are called” fachos “because we are hostile to this project, but this is not the case, comments Jean-Félix Vallat, the spokesperson for a collective which brings together around 40 co-owners out of 85. Simply, You cannot make anyhow elderly, couples with children, and a marginal population who poses security problems. And then, we must respect the destination of a building that a building that must be respected that a building that ‘With the unanimous agreement of the co -owners. “

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/Media reports.