The disease, which affects more than 500 million people worldwide, kills two million each year. If type 2 diabetes represents nine out of ten cases, that of type 1, called insulin dependent, increases by around 4.5 % per year in France.
The prevalence of diabetes (type 1 and type 2, diagnosed and unmatched) has been increasing for twenty years. It received 537 million people worldwide in 2021, 4.5 million in France. Near one out of ten adults could be affected by 2045, according to International Diabetes Federation . Diabetes can be a serious illness that causes complications if it is not treated, it kills nearly 2 million people per year. Diabetes corresponds to a prolonged rise in the concentration of glucose in the blood. In the case of type 1 diabetes, this disruption is due to an insulin production deficiency. While type 2 diabetes is linked to improper use of insulin by the body.
In France, the prevalence of diabetes increased from 4.6 % in 2012, to 5.3 % in 2020, or more than 3.5 million people treated pharmacologically, according to the weekly epidemiological bulletin (BEH) in public health France (SPF) of November 2021 , established from health insurance data, of which 850,000 is processed by Insulin. To these figures are added the people identified but untreated, or who ignore each other. The disease is more frequent in the most disadvantaged people socioeconomically, adds SPF.
Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common (90 %). The prevalence increases from 2.5 % to 3 % each year, in connection with the aging of the population. It is often linked to the evolution of lifestyles, too rich or unbalanced diet and a lack of physical activity. Thus, there are more and more in children, adolescents and young adults, due to obesity.
epigenetic factors
For type 1 diabetes, around 225,000 people are affected in France. It has increased by around 4.5 % per year for ten years. 2,500 people are diagnosed each year, mainly children or young people, according to the BEH. “The stake of the diagnosis remains major, you have to be vigilant on the symptoms announcing the disease, when the child starts to pee in bed, has frequent urine, drinks a lot because even today, we often detect him Too late, “insists Carine Choleau, of the association helps young diabetics (AJD).
If the reasons for this increase are not very clear, “several epigenetic, environmental factors [determinants of health and endocrine disruptors] can explain it,” says Jean-François Thébaut, vice-president of the French Federation of Diabetics . “An explanation is holding the rope right now: some are advancing a hygienist hypothesis, that is to say that having a very sanitized environment would make the immune system less sharp,” said Jean-Pierre Riveline, center manager University of diabetes and its complications (CUDC) at Lariboisière Hospital (APHP). Studies have also suggested the role of viral infections in the occurrence of type 1 diabetes, such as the Coxsackie B virus.