Nearly 2 million sessions have been sold via the application on which 1,800 partner establishments.
Would the culture pass become a welcome boost for cinemas, worried about frequentation at half mast? It is not surprising that Rima Abdul-Malak had Gravi, Tuesday, May 24, the steps of the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival with some young holders of this pass. The new Minister of Culture knows the latest data on this system which has offered, for a year, an envelope of 300 euros to all young people aged 18 and, since January, 80 euros for 15-17 year olds to access to the activities and cultural practices of their choice (books, shows, concerts, etc.). What do these data show? That the reservation of a cinema session now comes second in the spending of the pass.
Admittedly, the dining room exit represents only 17 % of the consumption of this “culture check”, against 55 % for books (category in mind since the launch of the device), but “the inflection in favor of films has been real since the reopening of the premises in May 2021 “, notes Sébastien Cavalier, president of the SAS Pass Culture. Thus, nearly 2 million sessions were sold via the application, on which are 1,800 partner cinemas (all large networks and 50 % of the art and test rooms). “The operators recognize that the pass keeps their heads out of the water,” says Sébastien Cavalier.
On the 1.9 million pass users, a third has made at least one cinema reservation since May 2021. These are 50 % students, 36 % high school students and 42 % of between them live in the city center. Reservations relate to 58 % of subscription cards and for 42 % of individual sessions. Many young people make their loved ones (family or friends) benefit: so half of them take advantage of their pass to take “duo offers”. Unsurprisingly, the sessions of Wednesday and Saturday concentrate the most reservations.
action and manga
What will the beneficiaries of the pass see? Action, comedy, police, adventure are, in order, the most popular genres. In recent months, Spider-Man, Uncharted, The Batman, Jujutsu Kaisen 0, from Sunghoo Park, have come at the top of the classification of their “cinema references”. The success of the animated film JujuTsu Kaisen 0, especially quoted by 15-17 year olds, joins that of the manga of which it is adapted, Jujutsu Kaisen, fifth most reserved work on the culture pass.
Invited to testify, Tuesday, May 24, during the presentation of the assessment of the first year of generalization of the Pass, Priscille Descout, director of the Théâtre et Cinémas de Saint-Maur (Val-de-Marne), N ‘did not hide his interest in this new device. “Thirty percent of our places sold to young people come from the culture pass and the expansion to college and high school students will also allow reservations for school outings,” she says.
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