In the issue in newsstands this Wednesday, the satirical newspaper wonders “how to make second degree with a first degree war”, and publishes around twenty humorous drawings signed by Ukrainian artists.
Russian soldiers trepanized, who eagerly look at Vladimir Putin File papa beards in the shape of brains intended to fill their cranial box. Children gathered in the sandbox, circumspect before Russian soldiers about to let go of a shell from the top of a slide. Most of the drawings published on two double pages by Charlie Hebdo, this Wednesday, May 25, are like comments. No phylactera, or so little, in these twenty works signed by Ukrainian artists that the satirical newspaper (25,000 sales on weekly newsstands, around 37,000 subscribers) chose to highlight in a special issue. “A speechless drawing, everyone can understand it, justifies Riss, the publication director. The message being purely visual, it is more” universalizable “. However, the Ukrainian designers want to address the world.” In situation of war, “excessive behaviors become caricatured, and offer a boulevard with satirical drawings”, he analyzes.
“The only target is the aggressor”
Antonio Fischetti went to get them on site during a report that seemed to start on a failure. “At the start, I had heard of humorists who were standing and sketches on the internet, says the scientific journalist. But one of my interlocutors had seen a drawing of Riss inspired by the bombing of Marioupol maternity ward [We see a row of women, legs in the air, Russian shells in the vagina]. He found him scandalous, not humorous, even contemptuous – while he was aimed at denouncing the inaction of Westerners. He passed The message to all his friends to kyiv, and I had to find something else. “
Besides Kusto, designer for the newspaper of the Ukrainian Parliament, it was in Odessa that Antonio Fischetti found the authors and the works he was looking for; Gathered on the occasion of an exhibition launched on the initiative of a cartoonist club, these will be sold for the benefit of the Ukrainian army and the territorial defense of the port city. “I met a popular resistance culture, important for morale,” said the journalist. Before the war, the traditional humor was rather benevolent. Today, it has become more fierce, more trash. The only target, C ‘is the aggressor. “The sufferings of war, daily human losses and in progress destruction prevent any black humor towards Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainians themselves, he notes.
For Riss, the publication of these vignettes in the newspaper which, on January 7, 2015, was ravaged 12 lives and ravage 11 in an Islamist terrorist attack, obviously went without saying. “When you are faced with arbitrariness, drawing is a way to protect your territory of freedom.”