The National Consumer Institute revealed, by means of a test, the serious and numerous flaws of the new DPE. Nursement problems with heavy consequences on the sale and rental of housing.
Created in 2006, reformed in July 2021, the diagnosis of energy performance (DPE) of buildings, with its AC notation, for very energy efficient, G, for thermal coland, is seriously implicated by a test Natural size of the National Consumer Institute (Inc), published in the June issue of Magazine 60 million consumers . The principle is simple: calling on four home owners who each use five diagnosticians, then compare the results, under the control of an expert. “After two years of consultations which led to the reform of 2021 supposed to make the DPE relieved, we expected progress compared to our previous investigation of 2018, it is nothing,” summarize Fanny Guibert, journalist, and Virginie Potiron, lawyer, authors of the article. As for the price of diagnostics, they are very variable, from 110 to 319 euros for the same pavilion in the Paris region, the most expensive being, moreover, not the best.
The same house before 1948, in the region of Bordeaux, is classified B by a diagnostician, C by two others and D by the last two, the expert adjusting, ultimately, note D. The very good Note, B, was allocated by a professional who was wrong on the performance of the heat pump.
The note of a house of Corbeil-Essonnes, built in 1993, recently renovated and equipped with a heat pump, waltz, she, while the expert in D. d ‘d’ Important errors on the area, which varies from 94 to 120 square meters depending on the reports, oversights of partitions, velux, radiators in the bathroom and erroneous construction dates explain the great divergence of results.
“Diagnostic training problem”
“It seems to us that there is a problem of training for diagnosticians, most of which received their approval before the reform of 2021 and may not have integrated the new calculation method, analyzes Fanny Guibert. They also have to spend time on each accommodation, between an hour and a half and two hours, and go to all rooms, even congested, to the cellar, at the attic … “” The owners have every interest, before the visit , to bring together work plans and invoices and to verify the data taken into account in the DPE “, advises Virginie Potiron.
The Federal Union of Consumers, UFC-Que Choisir, made, in its January issue, the same observation, citing the case of a chalet owner who undertook major insulation work, with laying woolen Glass 50 centimeters thick in the attic, waterproof entrance doors, duplicates, a high-efficiency boiler, double flow ventilation, to see the building from note D … The note G. Theoretical consumption is fixed, by the diagnostician, to 3,550 liters of fuel, and turned out to be, in use, very overestimated since 2,000 liters are enough, but the new method of calculation excludes to refer to real consumptions.
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