In the United States, cases of patients will be vaccinated. In France, the High Authority for Health recommends using the Imvansne vaccine in the event of exposure to the virus.
It is now the largest variolate epidemic of the monkey (Monkeypox, in English) never observed outside Africa. More than 180 cases have been confirmed in 16 countries around the world, mainly (90 %) in Europe and especially in the United Kingdom, where 57 cases were declared, but also in Spain (41) and Portugal (37). About twenty cases have also been identified in North America (5 in the United States and 15 in Canada). No serious case has been identified at the moment.
In France, only three cases were confirmed at this stage. But the High Authority for Health (HAS), seized by the Directorate General of Health on the subject, recommended , Tuesday, May 24, to vaccinate adults who have been in contact with an infected person, including health professionals exposed without individual protection measures. The independent authority recommends using the Imvanex variole vaccine, known as third generation, ideally administered within four to fourteen days after risk contact. Two doses are necessary, spaced twenty-eight days.
Monday, in the United States, the prevention and combat centers (CDC) had also announced that they are preparing to distribute variolate vaccines for people who have been in contact with a confirmed case. Immunity against the smallpox also provides good immunity against the variole of the monkey, even if the latter is much less dangerous than its cousin, eradicated in 1980. Two vaccines against smallpox is authorized in the United States. One of them, Acam2000, is a alive attenuated vaccine causing “potentially significant” side effects, “said Jennifer Mcquiston, director of the High Risk Pathogens for CDC. According to her, the large -scale distribution of this vaccine would require “a real discussion”.
controllable situation
However, is the epidemic already out of control? “It is a situation that can be controlled, particularly in the countries where we see this epidemic occurring in Europe,” said Maria Vankhove, responsible for the fight against COVVI-19 on Monday but also emerging diseases and Zoonoses at the World Health Organization (WHO). “We are in a situation where we can use public health tools for early identification doubled in case isolation,” she added. At the first symptoms, in general an eruption in the face spreading to the rest of the body, the patients are encouraged to isolate themselves quickly, until the lesions caused by the disease “are completely cured,” specifies a report from the center European disease prevention and control (ECDC) Published Monday .
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