On the third day of a driver strike, the RATP provides for traffic “strongly disrupted on the bus and tram” network, while a separate social movement will affect the metro lines 3 and 13 in the evening.
Le Monde with AFP
On the third day of a driver strike, the RATP provides for traffic “strongly disrupted on the bus and tram network” on Wednesday May 25, while a separate social movement will affect the metro lines 3 and 13 in the Evening.
The RATP provides “on average seven tramways out of ten and only during rush hour according to the lines” and warns that for buses, “certain lines will be interrupted”, according to the company’s Twitter account. On the other bus lines, there will be “on average two buses out of three with variations depending on the sectors”.
[Social movement] ⚠️ Forecasts at 24 hours: the #RATP provides for May 25 a highly disturbed traffic on the network… https://t.co/emj8dyutbi
Three days of strike is planned, until Wednesday, at the call of all unions. At the same time, the metro lines 3 and 13 will see the last trains go at 8 p.m. from each terminus and the 3bis line will be closed all day on Wednesday, according to the RATP website. This social movement is linked to discussions on the remuneration of the supervision.
This is the third social movement at RATP in less than four months, after a big mobilization for wages, February 18 (very followed in the metro and the RER), and the strike day of March 25 , which, conversely, mainly touched the bus lines, since it was linked to the upcoming entry (1 er January 2025) of the RATP surface network in a competitive system .
New organization of work planned on 1 er July
For more than a year, the RATP has been negotiating with the unions the adaptation of the working conditions of its 18,000 machinists (bus drivers and tramways) to the opening to competition. No agreement could be reached with any of the four representative organizations of the company (CGT, FO, UNSA, CFE-CGC) before the closing date of the negotiations fixed by management, namely April 29.
This new triple strike comes, in a way, to put an end, and symbolically conflictual, to the failure of these negotiations. Management announced in early May that it would take unilateral measures.
The RATP, which is for the first time faced with tenders on its historic monopoly (twelve lots of bus lines will be put on the market), seeks to bring its house rules closer, advantageous for its employees, minimum social rules which will impose themselves on all operators in Paris and in small crown from 2025. This new work organization, preparatory to competitive big bang, must be set up at the RATP on 1 er July.