A man was shot down, on the night of Friday to Saturday, in the 18ᵉ arrondissement of the capital. His alleged murderer is a minor figure of the conspiratorial spheres opposed to health policy.
The mystery remains on the reasons which pushed a 50 -year -old, which was traveling by car boulevard de Clichy, in Paris, on the night of Friday 13 to Saturday May 14, to shoot a young man with a bullet in the head. The driver would have interposed in a brawl between several people, coming out a weapon to shoot one of the protagonists, before leaving by car, indicate police sources at the France-Presse agency. Quickly identified by video surveillance, this man’s vehicle was found, and was stopped after a brief chase.
Questioned by Le Monde, the Paris prosecutor’s office confirms that the man is in police custody and that a flagration investigation of the murder leader was opened and entrusted to 2 e district of judicial police. The mayor of Poissy (Yvelines), Karl Olive, paid tribute, Saturday on Twitter, to the victim, a young man of 25 from the city, whose family lives in the Clos-Miroir district.
As for the author of the murder, if the prosecution refuses to confirm the identity of the suspect, according to information from several media, confirmed to the world of police source, it would be Martial L. , a figure of the conspiracy spheres opposed to the sanitary pass and the port of the mask. Graying hair and glasses with large mounts, Martial L., singer from Haute-Saône, was active on Youtube and Twitter for a few years.
“Save France”
In his videos, first filmed from Japan where he resided for a long time, Martial L. displayed his proximity to the anti -Semitic and conspiracy theses of Alain Soral or launched calls to “save France” from “scum” , by “overthrowing” François Hollande (then President of the Republic), presented as a “Vassal de Netanyahu” (ex-Israeli minister).
Anti-Semitic and negationist references abound in his publications and videos, as well as the violently anti-immigration positions. On one of his online profiles, he relayed in 2018 the actions of the French French Transition Council, far -right group calling for a coup, founded by Eric Fiorile, arrested in 2020 as part of a Survey on an attack project against Emmanuel Macron.
returned to France in 2020, after having, according to him, was imprisoned for a few days in Japan, he made himself known to the medical antipassers in September 2020. Present in the public of the program of Cyril Hanouna “Balance Your post “, on C8, he had taken the floor to make a disjointed speech on the” gerontocide “led according to him by the government to the beginnings of the pandemic of Covid-19, forcing the host to interrupt the program.
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