The questions asked to specialty candidates SES test of the BAC 2022 made a lot react online, out of the test, on May 12. But, for teachers of economic and social sciences, the subjects are only the reflection of an older problem: the overhaul of the discipline, engaged with the reform of the high school.
“You will show that innovation can help push the ecological limits of growth”, that “the action of public authorities in favor of social justice can have perverse effects” or that “the approach in Terms of social classes to account for French society can be called into question “: Here, among other things, the questions on which the candidates of specialty economic and social sciences (SES) of the BAC 2022 were invited to floor, May 12 2022. Questions that made Internet users jump, who blame them for a “liberal” orientation.
The Association of Professors of Economic and Social Sciences (APSES) immediately reacted on Twitter, to express its weariness, and not its surprise: according to the association, the subjects of the bac 2022 are a consequence of the reform of ” Bac blanquer “and its” little problematized “and” non -pluralist “programs.
The debate on the subjects of the bac 2022 – first “real” session of the “Bac Blanquer”, after two years disturbed by the COVVID – comes from afar. As early as 2018, teachers criticized the new program of 1 re (that of Terminale was published in a second step) for giving pride of place to market economy, microeconomics and partitioning Disciplinary – The economy on the one hand, the social sciences on the other.
“Previously, our discipline was transverse, with a program by objects, such as employment or growth, recalls Camille Aymard, member of the National Bureau of Apras and Professor of SES in Paimpol (Côtes-d’Armor ). We treated these themes with the contributions of the economy, sociology and political science, and this allowed to have a complex and realistic vision of the subjects. “For the teacher, it is above all the question on ‘Ecology and the growth that poses a problem in the subject of BAC 2022, in that it does not allow to imagine any other way than “innovation”. “This directly refers to the program, where the ecological question is presented only as a limit of growth. We are evoking neither the decrease nor resilience or even capitalism as being responsible for the exhaustion of resources natural “, annoys the teacher.
a simplified test
The other questions of the subject 2022 – that on social classes and that on work – are less problematic in the eyes of teachers of his. “We ask the question of the current social classes, by showing the limits of the concept, which are real and are debated in the scientific community”, recalls Solène Pichardie, president of the APSES. The problem is therefore not to ask students to detail these limits, but to present things in one direction. Thus, it is above all the turn of the question opening by “show that …”, who challenged Internet users, suggesting that the students had learned to master, and therefore to restore, only one vision of the Subject.
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