With the end of the obligation to carry the mask in transport, France has lifted almost all of its health measures against the COVID-19. The mask remains however compulsory in certain situations.
Le Monde
For the first time in two years, wearing the mask is no longer compulsory in public transport in France. The lifting of this obligation, Monday, May 16, signed the almost total disappearance of the health restrictions established in the country since the start of the Epidemia of Covid-19. Certain rules remain in force, however, and the mask cannot be removed everywhere.
The mask always required in health establishments
It is now possible to travel in France and enter all public places without having to wear a mask. However, the obligation continues in certain places to protect fragile people. This is the case, according to the Ministry of Health , in health establishments such as hospitals and clinics, in medico establishments -Social like nursing homes, but also in medical offices, pharmacies and in medical biology laboratories. This rule concerns both caregivers, patients and visitors.
In health establishments, it should also be noted that the health pass, which is no longer required in transport or in leisure places since March 14, remains requested from people accompanying patients or visiting them , except establishments welcoming children or autonomy residences. The pass is also necessary to enter the hospital when it is a programmed treatment.
variable regulations in international transport
The European Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) announced on May 11 that masks would no longer be compulsory neither in airports nor on the European Union planes as of Monday. But the rules “will continue to vary according to the airlines beyond this date,” said the agency.
The latest version of health protocol European aviation provides that companies can continue to demand the port of the mask on board planes if “the country of departure or arrival requires the wearing of masks in public transport”.
For railway journeys, the mask is no longer compulsory in SNCF trains but travelers who go abroad must continue to check the conditions required to pass the border. The mask remains compulsory in trains in several border countries, especially in Spain, Belgium or Italy. company Italian Trenitalia , which operates a Paris-Lyon-Milan link, recalls for example that, on the other side of the Alps, the port of the mask is compulsory in stations and on board trains throughout the journeys, And that only FFP2 masks are authorized in public transport.
The mask always recommended in certain situations
The government stresses that, although the choice has become individual, the mask remains “strongly recommended in the hours of strong crowds” in transport and, in general, in all places where promiscuity is important or which are badly ventilated.
The recommendation also applies to the elderly, immunocompromised, suffering from chronic diseases, or all those at risk of developing a serious form, as well as for their caregivers. People who are in contact with risk and those who have symptoms of COVID-19 are also invited to keep this protection, as are people whose test was positive, including seven days after the release of their isolation.