The agreement would make it possible to facilitate the arrival of young Tunisians wishing to work temporarily in a sector in permanent tension for years.
Le Monde with AFP
The Union of Hotel Trades and Industries (UMIH), the main employer union of the branch, a sector that seeks to recruit all outlines, is about to sign an agreement with the Tunisian government to facilitate arrival Young Tunisians wishing to work as seasonal workers in the sector.
The sector, already in “permanent tension for years”, has lost a large number of workforce during the health crisis and “Pôle Emploi has a very low stock of arrow job seekers on our activity”, explains to AFP Thierry Grégoire, president of the seasonal UMIH. This is why employers “does not refrain from watching the good practices of other sectors, such as agriculture”, he specifies.
For several years, ANETI, the equivalent of Pôle Emploi in Tunisia, “works on mobility of Tunisian seasonal employees with the agricultural world and the FNSEA, to complete the needs of companies when there are deficiencies On certain types of positions, “reports Mr. Grégoire.
As part of an agreement that UMIH wants to sign in June in Tunis, the organization will relate ANETI and French companies wishing to recruit Tunisian seasonal workers for maximum five months, paid according to the wage grids of the hotel-restaurant branch in France.
set up in 2023
This device which will really be put in place in 2023 “will remain very marginal”, because “the priority remains to hire job seekers in France, but the pool does not allow to provide all positions”, continues the employer manager. Employers must be able to house these Tunisian employees, who will apply for the HCR-Emploi recruitment platform created by UMIH.
“This possibility has existed for more than twenty years. So far, that did not interest our sector too much, but faced with the shortage of jobs we face, we want to explore this additional track to hire seasonal workers “, Indicates Mr. Grégoire, adding that discussions on this subject started almost a year ago with the Ministry of the Interior.
Since 2003, an agreement on the exchange of young professionals between the two countries has given access to the French labor market to young Tunisians graduates or experienced in many sectors (construction, hotel and restaurant, IT, IT, The medical sector, personal services …) and allows young French professionals to go to work in Tunisia.
There are such bilateral agreements with a dozen countries: Morocco, Argentina, Bulgaria, Canada, Estonia, United States, Hungary, Poland…