Laurent Wauquiez, President Les Républicains de la Région, announced to “immediately any subsidy at the town hall of Grenoble”. However, it is unlikely that it can return to the investments already launched.
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President Les Républicains (LR) of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez, announced Monday May 16 Immediately cease any grant to the town hall of Grenoble” after the municipal council gave its green light on Monday at the port of Burkini in municipal swimming pools. The vote focused precisely on the modification of the internal regulations of the swimming pools, which now provides that the length of the jerseys will no longer be limited and will thus allow women to bathe naked breasts, and to all bathers, to wear a specific swimsuit can cover the arms and legs. A new regulation which de facto authorizes the wearing of the prized covering jersey of certain Muslim women and which has been claimed for several years by the Association Alliance Citoyenne.
To justify the end of aid at the ecological town hall, Laurent Wauquiez says he is based on ” Charter for the defense of the values of France and secularism “ and on the” republican commitment contract “adopted by its region during its plenary assembly on March 17. “We will stop helping financially [the mayor of Grenoble] Mr. Piolle, because reality is that his project is not a project that is compatible with what we want for France and For the Republic “, justified Tuesday the President of the Region on France Bleu Isère .
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In reality, Laurent Wauquiez’s announcement seems a little hasty. Far from ceasing “immediately any subsidy”, the aid of the aid of the region in Grenoble could in fact concern only the possible subsidies for future projects and not the funding already voted and engaged with the municipality. The region says it is identifying said aid.
For Aloïs Ramel, lawyer specializing in public authorities law, “the region would take on a significant legal risk if it decided to cut the funding on which it has already committed to the town hall”. Especially if the principle of secularism invoked has no direct link with the initially funded projects. “As for future subsidies, the region has a certain decision -making. A community is never forced to pay a subsidy,” adds M e ramel:
“It is still relatively supervised, it must not affect the principle of equality between the municipalities for similar projects, for example. But after all, if it no longer wants to Assign a subsidy to the city of Grenoble and that it motivates it, the region is almost free. “
In all cases, the suspension of subsidies in Grenoble would not concern the own skills of the region, such as high schools or transport, sectors for which it is responsible. “We will continue on our side to assume our mission on Grenoble, said Tuesday Mr. Wauquiez. We will obviously continue to help the inhabitants of Grenoble, associations, craftsmen or traders who have projects.”
Currently, direct subsidies in the region with contractual municipal projects represent “around 1.5 million euros”, according to the town hall of Grenoble, which denounces a “disengagement” already in the process of the regional council in the fields of the culture, health, environment, aid to businesses and communities.
Véronique Vermorel, regional opposition advisor and member of the Group Les Ecologists, believes that “the debate on burkini is a pretext for the majority LR in the region to reduce subsidies”. “If this announcement of judgment of subsidies is of the order of the symbolism for the town hall of Grenoble, it is the tree which hides the forest of the cups taking place everywhere on projects carried out by opposition town halls, like Lyon , Grenoble or Clermont-Ferrand, “she denounces.