In a 180-page text assigned to him, Payton Gendron describes a radicalization process that started with the massacre of Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2019. Visit Buffalo, Joe Biden denounced “terrorism interior “.
If it is an exercise in which Joe Biden excels, it is that of compassion. Burned in his flesh by the death of his first wife and daughter in a car accident in 1972, then of his son, who died of cancer in 2015, the President of the United States found the right words to speak to African-Americans from Buffalo (New York State), who saw, on a sunny Saturday, land a far-right terrorist killer, Payton Gendron, to murder ten on the grounds that they were black.
Tuesday, May 17, Joe Biden spoke of their inexpressible pain: “You have the impression that there is a black hole in your chest in which you are sucked and stifled.” Then the mourning: “The day will come Where the memory of your loved one will bring a smile before making you shed a tear. “Joe Biden recalled the course of each of the ten deceased victims, Tel Andre Mackneil, 53:” He had gone to buy at his 3 year old son A birthday cake. Her son celebrated him asking: “Where’s Dad?” “
Then he tackled the bad wind that blows the country, calling things by their name, “inner terrorism”. The Democratic President denounced “a hatred which, through the media and politics, Internet, radicalized angry, alienated, lost and isolated individuals by making them mistakenly believe that they will be replaced”. For Mr. Biden, “White supremacism is a poison … and we let it be full and develop before our eyes. That is enough.”
radicalized on the 4CHAN platform
Reading a 180 -page text attributed to the alleged killer, Payton Gendron, but whose authenticity has not been officially confirmed, shows how its drift is in the ideological line of racist killings of recent years . His text begins with two pages on the insufficient fertility of the whites. “It is an ethnic replacement. It is a cultural replacement. It is a racial replacement. It is the white genocide,” deplores the author. Note that the reversal of the birth rate will take time, it calls for immediate action in the name of “the very survival of our people”: “We must crush immigration and expel invaders already living on our soil.”
In this text, where he inserted two photographs of him armed with a semi-automatic rifle, the author claims to be the “only author” of the killing. But during the thirteen pages of self-interview, he describes a precise radicalization process, triggered by Brenton Tarrant, the author of the attack which, in March 2019, cost the life of 51 people attending two mosques in Christchurch, in New Zealand. “I was not born racist … I just became a racist after learning the truth.”
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