The parliamentarians of La République En Marche feared that Emmanuel Macron will choose the Chiraquian Catherine Vautrin in place of the ex-minister of transport, who made a speech on Tuesday on the occasion of the meeting of Party deputies.
It was neither the jubilation nor the enthusiasm of the big days. But a relief, certainly. Tuesday, May 17, on the occasion of the meeting of the La République en Marche group (LRM) in the National Assembly, to which representatives of the MoDem and Act, the macronist parliamentarians joined, for the occasion, the macronist parliamentarians have Welcomed the new head of the majority, Elisabeth Borne, as we appreciate calm after fearing the storm.
In the aftermath of his appointment to Matignon, the old prefect did, that day, from the Victor Hugo room in the National Assembly, hardly galvanized the crowds. Calling his troops to go back to combat to offer Emmanuel Macron a majority “as large as possible”, at the end of the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, the sixties recalled that she maintained her own candidacy in the sixth district of the Calvados. Proof of his political courage, underlines his entourage. “We find ourselves very soon on the field!”, She promised.
A protocol discourse that will have confirmed the seriousness of the new Prime Minister. And too bad if the ex-minister of work “is not a funny”, slips a participant. After all, adds the latter, “we are not at the” Club Med “”. Elisabeth Borne has the good taste not to divide the troops. The former Lionel Jospin advisor pleases the left wing of Macronie. “Whatever we say, she is a woman on the left at the height of the impolites that the radical left issues towards him,” said Sacha Houlié, deputy (LRM) of Vienna and former socialist. But she is also a woman who “made right reforms”, recalls Eric Woerth, deputy of the Oise and former Republicans (LR) rallied to Emmanuel Macron. “His skills are recognized beyond the partisan cleavages”, summarizes the deputy of Paris Pierre-Yves Bournazel, member of the Horizons party.
more consensual option
Elisabeth Borne does not know it. Her task will be “immense”, she recalled Tuesday. But if some already question his leadership and his ability to hold the troops of the majority which stretch from the left to the moderate right, most blow. Forty-eight hours ago still rumored the rumor of an imminent appointment of Catherine Vautrin in Matignon. A woman on the right, current president of Grand Reims, former minister of Jacques Chirac. A shock for a large part of the macronists. Attached “to the social question”, as the Head of State promised, close to the field, she also opposed marriage for all in 2013. On this day of May 17 to fight against homophobia, certain macronists feared the “catastrophic” signal that would have been sent.
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