To be enjoyed alone, in pie, in sorbet or added to a tomato salad, the red fruit is excellent for health.
Botanically speaking, strawberry is a false fruit. The real strawberry fruits are the Akenes, the small grains on the surface of the red and fleshy support which succeeds the flower. In the Rosaceae family, which brings together other highly appreciated fruits (pears, apples, apricots, almonds, etc.), the genus Fragaria includes dozens of species from temperate and subtropical areas. Indigenous of Europe, the strawberry of wood, fragaria vesca, or strawberry of the mountains, is today cultivated under the name of “queen des valleys”.
Unknown to ancient Greeks, deemed uninteresting, even dangerous, the strawberry has long suffered from a bad reputation. This did not prevent many of the snack, from enjoying it and multiplying it. The various “modern” strawberries cultivars (Mara des Bois, Gariguette, Ciflorette, Cléry…) all belong to the variety Fragaria Ananassa, probably from a cross between a North American strain, Fragaria Virginiana and a Chilean strain, Fragaria Chiloensis . To take advantage of it, it is better to avoid the first Camarosa from Spain: immature picked, they are lively in color but have no flavor.
Rich in vitamin C and antioxidant polyphenols, the strawberry is, contrary to what the “old”, excellent for health could say. The authentic-organic variety would even help fight diabetes. A good strawberry is savored raw, fresh and shiny, possibly embellished with a little sugar and a touch of crème fraîche.
Classic, in pie, in charlotte, in sorbet, the strawberry has little interest when it is cooked. Married a quarter of an hour with a line of honey and lemon juice, a little orange blossom water or a touch of salt, it takes new aromatic attires. Mixed raw, with a basil leaf, it is delicious to drink. Added to a beautiful salad of tomatoes and herbs, it offers a tasty summer wedding.