Since the leak of the Supreme Court’s judgment project which would aim to cancel the case law which constitutes the right to abortion in the United States, the subject makes the front page of the American media every day. Before a weekend marked by mobilizations, elected officials of the presidential majority wanted to challenge opinion this Friday.
Le Monde with AFP
“Touch our bodies!”: Gathered in number on the steps of the US Congress, facing the Supreme Court which could soon cancel the right to abortion, elected Democrats called this Friday, May L ‘America in mobilization. “We will not stop fighting until everyone, and I say everyone, have access to safe and legal abortions, whatever their income, their postal code or their ethnic origin”, A promised Barbara Lee, Democratic representative, who in the past publicly mentioned his own clandestine abortion.
If the Supreme Court had canceled the case law which has founded the right to abortion in the United States since 1973, each US State would be free to ban it or authorize it as it pleases. About twenty conservative states have already promised to make it illegal, some even in the event of rape or incest.
“How can you say to a 12-year-old girl in the alabama victim of incest that she cannot be entitled to the care she deserves?”, Mistigated the elected Diana Degette, who -Preside the pro-avoort group in the House of Representatives. 2>
strong mobilizations expected in major American cities
Without the Supreme Court, the options to protect this right to the federal scale are thin. The Chamber voted last fall a law guaranteeing access to abortion across the country. But this text does not so far manage to pass the stage of the Senate, where the Democrats have only a very short majority.
Anxious to weigh in the debate, several major progressive organizations called on the Americans to parade on May 14 in all the United States. Four major steps are organized in Washington, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, and hundreds of gatherings in the rest of the country. “The Americans demonstrate and make themselves heard,” praised the president of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.