Seven police officers were sentenced to sentences from six to eighteen months in prison suspended on Friday. The criminal court also pronounced prohibitions to exercise the profession of police officer for the seven condemned.
Le Monde with AFP
They treated a former colleague from the Nancy Night Night (Bac) of “Bougnoule” and harassed others “so that they leave” from the service. Seven police officers were sentenced on Friday May 13 to sentences ranging from six to eighteen months suspended prison sentence for harassment and racist insults. The criminal court also pronounced, for four of them, fines of up to 2,000 euros.
Finally, the jurisdiction, which released three of the ten defendants, pronounced prohibitions to exercise the profession of police officer for the seven convicted people, including a final for those who had been described during the hearings, in March, as the leader. For the other convicted people, the prohibitions are five years for one of them, two years for two police officers and one year for the other three.
The leader, the main defendant, will also have to pay compensation – ranging from 4,740 euros to 25,950 euros – to each of the four victims for violation of physical and mental integrity. He will also have to pay them between 2,000 and 5,000 euros for moral damage.
Ten police officers had appeared in mid-March, including nine for moral harassment and racist insults: the public prosecutor, François Pérain, who had claimed prohibitions to exercise for four of them, had requested until At eighteen months suspended prison sentence, evoking a “collective harassment” on the part of the defendants and qualifying their behavior as “machine to exclude which grinds a woman and three men”.
“they destroyed, I experienced a ordeal “
“Justice has passed and the message is clear: racism has no place in the police, harassment has no place in administration and in working relations”, praised Frédéric Berna , lawyer for the four civil parties, qualifying the pronounced sentences of “farms” and “up to the gravity of the facts”. “The penalties are correct, he added. It is not tolerable that racist and deviant elements take control of a police service (…), there is no question that the Republic is vampirizing by Ripoux cops “.
Solicited by the agency France-Presse (AFP), the lawyer for eight defendants, Juliette Grosset, did not wish to speak.
Nine defendants also went to the disciplinary council in October. Four radiation, demotion and four temporary exclusions had been proposed, sanctions then confirmed by the hierarchy, temporary exclusions ranging from fifteen days to one year.
During the trial, the four victims had mentioned their ordeal during their visit to the Nancy night’s baccalaureate and their gradual discharge from the group. Since then, they have all left the bac for other police services.
“They destroyed me, I lived a ordeal,” said one of the victims, the only woman in the service between 2013 and 2017. Another victim, of North African origin, was the subject of insults Regular racists in a Messenger conversation which brought together almost all the police of the night bac and from which it was excluded. The agent was regularly treated as “bicot” and “bougnoule”: words written on the blow of “anger”, according to one of the defendants, Stephan S. “Stunks”, “stupidity”, s’ The other defendants had denied any desire to harm.
In another message of this conversation, read during the trial by Mr. Berna, one of the defendants mentioned migrants arriving in front of a care center. Another respondent then replied “in the oven”, then “Einsatzgruppen” (“intervention groups”), a word which designates mobile units of extermination of the III e reich, charged with Targeted assassinations, in particular Jews in Poland, in the Soviet Union and in the Baltic countries.
One of the witnesses heard during the trial, also a policeman within the bac and member of this conversation, had finished, disgusted, by revealing in 2018 the content of these exchanges to his hierarchy which had then seized the general inspection of the national police (IGPN).