The announcement could point out an inflection of the prevention policy followed, which is based on the total closure of its borders since January 2020. The population, not vaccinated, is very vulnerable.
North Korea admits first cases of COVID-19 on its territory and imposes a draconian national containment. The official agency KCNA announced, Friday, May 13, the visit of the headquarters of the prevention of epidemics, by the manager, Kim Jong-un, who denounced “a weak point in the prevention system”. And KCNA to specify that, “for the only day of May 12, nearly 18,000 people had fever throughout the country and 187,800 are currently isolated and treated. varying ba.2 of omicron.
These announcements follow the decision made the day before by the political bureau (Politburo) of the Labor Party to move on to the “maximum level of the epidemic emergency” after the discovery, on May 8 in Pyongyang, of several cases of contamination. The information given by KCNA and relayed by national television did not specify the number of cases or the origin of infections. Their discovery was qualified by the agency “worst incident that occurred in the country, testifying to a flaw on the epidemic front, inviolate for two years and three months”.
The meeting of the Politburo was held in the presence of Kim Jong-un, who appeared bearing a mask, a first for a public intervention. He called to challenge “irrational fears, lack of confidence and will”, to distribute the stocks of medical equipment prepared for emergency cases and to apply “with rigor” confinement to prevent the spread of the virus.
This is the first time that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (RPDC, official name of North Korea) has admitted cases of COVID-19 since the closure of its borders from the start of the pandemic in January 2020 , in particular that with China, by which transits 90 % of its business.
The rigor of the measures would have made it possible to avoid a wide propagation of the COVID-19 even if doubts persisted on the total absence of cases, in particular due to cross-border trafficking. Foyers would have been discovered, as in July 2020 in Kaesong (in the south of the country) or even, in January, in the northern Hamgyong (northeast of the country).
Pyongyang, however, never admitted them. In December 2020, the RPDC had even taxed “impudence” the South Korean Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kang Kyung-Wha, who had deemed “hard to believe” in the absence of Covid-19 in North Korea.
The official announcement of the Pyongyang Foyer – which would have been caused by the arrival in the capital of many people for events such as the parade of April 25 marking the 90
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