Death of Al-Jazira journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh, places Israel in face of her responsibilities as

The star reporter of the Panarabian channel was killed on Wednesday, in an Israeli army raid in Jenine, in the West Bank.


These images are granular, of poor quality, but devastating for the Israeli army. The body of Shireen Abu Akleh lies inanimate at the foot of a tree on Wednesday 11 May, at the entrance of an alley of the Jenine refugee camp. Her sister, journalist Shaza Hanaysheh, then a young man from the camp, try to rescue this figure of the profession in the West Bank, star of the Panarabe al-Jazira chain. Both are delighted several times, fearing shots that slam punctual, regular, without gusts.

According to M Me hanaysheh, their group was targeted by Israeli soldiers, while they led a raid in the Jénine (North) refugee camp. “There were no fighters where we were, none (…). They shot us directly and deliberately,” said a producer of Al-Jazira, Ali Al-Samodi, who was, he, touched without gravity by a ball.

The Israeli army then succumbs to its usual flaw: it explicitly envisages only one scenario, “the possibility that journalists were affected by Palestinian shooters.” On military radio, a spokesperson Until assimilating M me Abu Akleh to an enemy fighter, who “filmed and worked for a media among armed Palestinians. They are armed with cameras, if you allow me to say.”

convergent accusations

The Israeli army, which has been trying since March 22 to stem a wave of attacks that killed 18 people in Israel, broadcasts a video shot by Palestinians. A fighter shoots in an alley, in hazardous gusts. A man shouts that an Israeli soldier lies on the ground. This is enough at the Prime Minister’s office, Naftali Bennett, to estimate “possible” that this victim be the journalist, the army having deplored no loss that morning. Israeli diplomacy diffuses this reasoning. The government should have known that the GPS coordinates of the images do not correspond: these shots are filmed at some 300 meters away from the place where Shireen Abu Akleh was killed, specifies the human rights organization B’tselem.

But at this hour, Mr. Bennett’s office is not concerned with expressing a guaranteed truth, which would have required time and humility. What matters is that these images instill doubt. They maintain another version of the facts, which opposes the convergent accusations of the colleagues of Shirin Abu Akleh. He is a poor lie by omission, with short wick, valid for just a few hours.

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/Media reports.