A vast investigation by the Center for Studies and Research on Qualifications, made public on Tuesday, documents the brutal effects of the crisis due to the COVVI-19 on the integration of a whole generation which made its debut in the market of Work at the time of the first confinement.
A generation stopped net in its momentum in March 2020. The health crisis linked to the COVID-19 represented a “brutal stop” for youth, while it was barely beginning to know an uptop on the Job market, underlines a large survey of the Center for Studies and Research on Qualifications (Céreq), published Tuesday, May 10. Led every six years with more than 25,000 people, the “generation” survey analyzes the labor market of all the leaving the education system. This new edition, traces the courses of young people who finished their training in 2017, and which were interviewed several times after entering working life. It is the first study of such a magnitude to document the consequences of the health crisis on the insertion of a whole generation of young people, and its brutality.
Before the first confinement due to the COVVI-19 and the judgment of the economy he led, the indicators were green. In February 2020, three years after entering the labor market of this generation, the unemployment rate within the latter had dropped by three points compared to that which the previous cohort had experienced, out of the education system in 2010. The survey also highlights access to the indefinite contract (CDI) “more frequent and rapid”, with 68 % permanent contract among young people in employment (up four points compared to the graduate generation in 2010, at the same period). This generation benefits at the time of a “more favorable economic situation” on the entire labor market, after the effects of the 2008 crisis which had permanently weakened young people who entered working life in the early 2010s, Observes Thomas Couppié, study manager at Céreq, co -author of the investigation.
Massive judgment of recruitments
These good indicators also testify to a sociological evolution, a reflection of the ever stronger massification of higher education: the generation of 2017 is more graduated than that released in 2010. In this cohort, 78 % are at least holding a baccalaureate, and almost half (47 %) graduated from the superior. A “symbolic threshold” in the process of being reached, notes the study, which however points to strong inequalities, when only 8 % of workers’ children leave with a diploma of the superior. By the way, the survey shows that the diploma remains more than ever “protector with regard to unemployment”, underlines Elsa Personnaz, co-author. Half of the holders of a bac + 5 diploma quickly accessed a permanent contract, against only 5 % of non-graduates.
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