After two years disrupted by the pandemic who had seen the abolition of most of the written exams, and a new two -month postponement, the students of terminal of general and technological high schools pass, on Wednesday, the specialty events.
Le Monde with AFP
This is D -Day for Bac 2022: from 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, the 523 199 students from the general and technological high schools will focus on the subjects of the specialty tests, born of the reform of Baccalaureate decided by Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer. They were postponed from March to May due to the COVID-19 and are therefore not taken into account in Parcoursup, the admission platform in higher education. An important element for high school students.
The calendar was offset, but the program was stopped in March, on the date on which the tests should have taken place, so that the candidate has “no excessive tension in his preparation upstream”, Underlined, Monday, Edouard Geffray, number two of the Ministry of Education. The candidates will each pass two tests, affected by a coefficient 16 each. These specialty tests represent a third of the results of the bac, calculated on 100 points.
no particular health disposition
On the health component, the Ministry of National Education does not impose any specific provision, nor any recommendation for the port of the mask. “Because of the health crisis, the two previous sessions had led us to take very substantial developments. It is ultimately the first time that the terminal specialty events can be held in the planned format,” said Edouard Geffray.
In 2020, high school students had obtained – or not – their baccalaureate on the basis of their notes in continuous control. Because of the pandemic, the tests had been canceled. Last year, continuous control still represented most of the final report. Philosophy had been the only written test, with French in premiere.
The issue of these written specialty tests, however, reduced after development announcements due to the health crisis: the postponement of two months prevents taking into account these notes in Parcoursup and therefore in files Examined by the establishments that the future baccalaureate holders have applied. Instead, the files will indicate the means of specialties on the three trimesters of first and the first two in terminal.
“a formality”
“Let’s be honest, these tests are a formality. The notes do not count in Parcoursup and I already have answers for post-bac schools,” said Juliette, 18, in the final year in Nice. “Obviously, I worked because it is not necessary that I have below 10 but the pressure is not really there”.
This year, 381,221 candidates appear in the general baccalaureate, 141,978 in the technological bac and 186,200 in the professional bac, or some 710,000 young people in total. The calendar of the Professional Bac tests differs from that of others.
The specialty tests take place from Wednesday to Friday depending on the subjects. Just over 45,000 correctors will be mobilized. Among the most chosen specialties, mathematics, with 142,730 candidates, economic and social sciences (136,466), history-geography, geopolitics and political science (106,994).
94 % ‘past
The some million copies will be transmitted to the correctors in a dematerialized manner (they are scanned and sent to the correctors). The notes will then be harmonized, between correctors and between the different subjects. Contrary to what was initially planned, students will know their notes in these tests at the same time as the rest of their bac results on July 5.
Since the baccalaureate reform in 2019, the results are 40 % on continuous control and 60 % on terminal events: written and oral French in first, and philosophy, specialties and the Grand Oral in Terminale .
The success rate in the baccalaureate has exceeded 80 %since 2012. Last year, almost 94 % of candidates won the exam, a necessary condition to access higher education.